- detachment of vitreous body 玻璃体脱离
- It is supposed that emmetropic retinal detachment is associated with the aging of vitreous body and retina. 视网膜脱离的发生可能与玻璃体和视网膜老化有关。
- We observed pathologic changes of PDR, such as vitreous hemorrhage, posterior detachment of vitreous, tractional detachment of retina, vitreous organization, preretinal membranes. 对PDR各种病理改变:如玻璃体积血、玻璃体后脱离、牵引性视网膜脱离、玻璃体机化和视网膜前膜的诊断符合率达到94%25。
- Results All the 12 cases of retinoblastoma showed increased and inhomogeneous density of vitreous body. 结果12例成视网膜细胞瘤均表现为玻璃体密度增高,密度不均匀,常见钙化灶,呈密集点状或斑块状。
- Method:Make a analysis and summary of 63 patients of vitreous body incision operation from Dec. 2004 to Dec. 2005. 方法:对2004年12月至2005年12月63例玻璃体切割手术患者进行回顾性分析总结。采取:(1)术前护理、心理护理、术前患者指导、术前准备。
- posterior detachment of vitreous 玻璃体后部脱离
- antero-lateral detachment of vitreous 玻璃体前外侧脱离
- anterolateral detachment of vitreous 玻璃体前外侧脱离
- infundibular detachment of vitreous 漏斗状玻璃体脱离, 玻璃体漏斗状脱离
- ring-shaped posterior detachment of vitreous 环形玻璃体后部脱离, 玻璃体环形后部脱离
- Art hind handles the contact of organization of vitreous body etc and corneal endodermis as soon as possible, all can reduce the happening of durative corneal oedema after art on older rate. 术后尽快处理玻璃体及其他组织与角膜内皮的接触,均可在较大程度上减少术后持续性角膜水肿的发生。
- The detachment of the main force was ambushed by the enemy. 从主力部队派遣的小分队遭到敌人的伏击。
- saucer-shaped depression of vitreous body 玻璃体碟状凹
- Congenital anomaly of vitreous body 先天性玻璃体异常
- Congenital opacity of vitreous body 先天性玻璃体混浊
- lenticular fossa of vitreous body 玻璃体凹
- He was operated on for detachment of the retina. 他作了视网膜剥离手术。
- Have you seen the film the Red Detachment of Women? 你看过电影《红色娘子军》吗?
- Eye traumatic vitreous body hematocele 15. 眼外伤性玻璃体积血15只眼。
- A detachment of ten men remain behind to guard the prisoner. 由十名士兵组成的分遣队留在後面看守囚犯。