- desuperheat by spraying 喷水减温
- A liquid medication applied by spraying. 喷雾剂喷雾的液体制剂
- The insects can be exterminated by spraying DDT. 兔群不可能彻底消灭。
- He polished his shoes by spraying shoepolish on them. 他用鞋油擦亮了皮鞋。
- Aim To prepare ulcer tablet by spraying and develop its quality control. 目的采用喷雾制粒法制备溃疡片;对其质量进行控质。
- Some people exterminate garden insects by spraying poison on the plants. 有些人在植物上喷撒毒剂以杀死花园内的昆虫。
- An output device that prints by spraying a thin stream of ink onto the paper. 一种通过喷射细墨水流到纸上的打印装置。
- They celebrated their win, in time-honoured fashion, by spraying champagne everywhere. 他们用四处喷香槟的这种传统方式庆祝胜利。
- The fly population density could be maintained low condition by spraying 2. 5% synergistic DDVP. 以2.;5%25增效敌敌畏喷洒,可使蝇密度维持在较低水平。
- Manually retouching an image by spraying dyes or pigments on it with air forced from a small, hand-held device. 中义人工以小型手握装置喷出的染料或色料修整影像。
- By spraying manipulator room, steam oven, TL lamp, UV lamp drying equipment such as 6, 30 meters in length. 由机械手喷房、蒸汽烘箱、TL灯、UV灯干燥等6台设备组成、全长30米。
- The hot strength of coke can be improved by spraying passivator on the surface of coke. 向焦炭表面喷洒钝化剂溶液可以改善焦炭热态强度。
- The mechanism of decreasing sinter degradation index by spraying halide at its surface is introduced. 介绍了喷洒卤化物,降低烧结矿粉化率的机理。
- The property of prevent frostbite of fruit trees was increased by spraying the coating. 各种浓度的涂膜均可提高果树枝条的保水功能。
- The wildlife workers test the animals' response to various scents by spraying tree stumps with different perfumes or placing cinnamon or other spices in the animals' environment. 研究人员把不同的香水喷洒在树桩上,或是在动物生活的环境中放上肉桂及其他香料,观察它们对于不同气味所做出的反应。
- Cool the person by covering him or her with damp sheets or by spraying with cool water. Direct air onto the person with a fan or newspaper. 用凉水弄湿的毛巾来使病人降温。用扇子或报纸给病人扇风。
- Urea based compound fertilizers made by spraying molten urea onto single or triple superphosphate granules can prevent hygroscopicity. 在普钙和重钙颗粒上喷涂熔融尿液生产的尿基复合肥还能防止吸湿。
- The disease can be controlled by spraying Triadimefon in early time when the disease accured and the control effect was 74.9%. 发病初期用粉锈宁喷雾防治,可以有效地控制病害的扩散蔓延,防治效果达到74.;9%25。
- The field experiment studied on the character uptake and assimilation under field conditions by spraying Bordeaux mixture of different rate, CuSO4, Fe-EDTA etc. . 田间试验对红将军、藤牧一号喷不同比例波尔多液、CuSO4、Fe-EDTA等处理,研究田间条件下外源铜对果树代谢的影响。