- In the sky today we saw destruction and tragedy. 今天,我们在空中目睹了毁灭和悲剧。
- In the skies today we saw destruction and tragedy. 今天,我们在空中目睹了毁灭和悲剧。
- The war left destruction and famine in its wake. 战争留下的毁灭和饥荒的后果
- Every name spoke trauma and tragedy. 每个名字都讲述着一段创伤和悲剧。
- There's a thin line between comedy and tragedy. 喜剧和悲剧之间,仅有一线之隔。
- Destruction and suffering are corollaries of war. 毁灭和苦难是战争的必然结果。
- Scientific knowledge was perverted to help cause destruction and war. 科学知识被滥用于破坏和战争。
- Destruction and suffering are corollary of war. 破坏和苦难是战争的自然结果。
- This involves both destruction and construction. 整顿就要有破有立。
- Destruction and misery attend on war. 破坏和苦难随战争而来。
- destruction and tragedy 毁灭和悲剧
- Since Alfred Nobel died in 1896 we have entered an age of storm and tragedy. 1896年艾尔弗雷德·诺贝尔去世之后,我们进入了一个动荡不安的悲剧时代。
- Third, the question of destruction and construction. 第三个问题,讲讲破和立。
- So many countries have changed. There has been so much turmoil and tragedy, so many wars, and plagues, so much terrible destruction all over the world. 许多国家变故,这么多混乱和悲剧、战争和天灾,这么多的可怕事情在全世界蔓延着。
- Shakespeare wrote histories and tragedies. 莎士比亚写过历史剧和悲剧。
- An occurrence causing widespread destruction and distress; a catastrophe. 灾难,大祸偶发事件引起大范围的破坏和痛苦; 大灾难
- He was an angry youth, with destruction and domination already on his mind. 他曾是一个愤怒的青年,内心已经充满破坏欲和支配欲。
- In the theatre you can watch comedies and tragedies. 在剧院我们可以看喜剧或悲剧。
- His personal life was largely one of disappointment, frustration and tragedy. 他的个人生活,总的说来,是一场充满失望,挫折的悲剧。
- Shakespeare wrote comedies, histories and tragedies. 莎士比亚写过喜剧、历史剧和悲剧。