- We had to resort to desperate measures. 我们必须找到孤注一掷的办法。
- By 1613 even more desperate measures were in contemplation. 到1613年,甚至考虑要采取更为孤注一掷的措施。
- His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures. 不断增加的经济困难迫使他采取了铤而走险的办法。
- No! These are desperate times, and desperate measures are called for. 不!这是绝望的时期,需要不顾一切的措施。
- Sweeney Todd: No! These are desperate times. And desperate measures are called for. 斯温尼?陶德:不!绝望了太多次了,我要不顾一切地采取一些措施。
- To stay above water, many businesses have already been forced to take desperate measures. 为了不陷入困境, 许多企业已被迫采取了非常措施。
- Some might deride this as socialism. But desperate times call for desperate measures. 有些人可能会嘲笑这是社会主义。但绝望的时代呼唤的是绝望的措施。
- Go to her house right now, knock on her door and tell her you love her, I know it extreme but desperate times call for desperate measures. 现在就去她家,敲她的门,告诉她你爱她,我知道这有些极端,但特殊的情况要特殊对待啊。
- Desperate times call for desperate measures! You might not see her again, but you have got to take advantage of the opportunity. 狗急跳墙吧!你也许再也见不到她了,但你得抓住机会。
- Desperate times call for desperate measures, we're just going to have to sell our car in order to have a little more money to pay the bills. 狗急跳墙。我们只有把车卖了才能有点钱还债。
- Desperate times require desperate measures, and the dragon-gods may recruit anyone at all when an entire nation is in peril. 非常时期需要非常方法,,黑暗之龙将募集一切可能的力量让整个种族渡过危机。
- As a result, many are said to be driven to such desperate measures as eating bushmeat from endangered animals and setting sail in open boats in the hope of illegally settling in Europe. 结果,据说很多人被逼无奈达到了象吃濒于灭绝的丛林兽肉和开着敞舱船希望能够非法地进入欧洲的程度。
- They invoked help in the desperate situation. 他们在走投无路的情况下恳求援助。
- He's desperate for a glass of water. 他极想喝一杯水。
- He was desperate when he lost all his money. 当他丢了所有的钱时,他绝望了。
- He was now in the measures of Lewis XIV. 他此刻正与路易十四共商大计。
- The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud. 当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。
- Measures must be taken to meet the situation. 必须采取措施以应付这种局面。
- There are strong arguments against these measures. 有一些有力的论据反对这些措施。
- What are your preparatory measures? 你的初步措施是什么?