- Discussion on reasonable choice of hydropower projects construction design flood standard 论水电工程施工洪水设计标准的合理选择
- Suggesting a Method to Define Optimal Design Flood Standard for Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering 建议一种确定水利水电工程最佳设计洪水标准的方法
- design flood standards 防洪标准
- Designed flood standard for the construction of check dam in loess area 黄土地区修建淤地坝的设计洪水标准
- Seasonal design flood should not only satisfy the flood prevention standard but also reflect seasonal variation characteristics. 分期设计洪水既要满足防洪标准,又能反映洪水的季节性变化特征。
- The design flood hydrograph is computed using observation discharge data. 利用实测流量资料推求设计洪水过程;
- The design flood hydrograph is computed using observation discharge data.3. 2、利用实测流量资料推求设计洪水过程;
- design floods standard 设计洪水标准
- In this paper,introducing the way for ascertain design flood water level of inundate area using Saint-Venant equations and some special methods. 在内涝区采用圣维南方程组及一些特殊处理的方法来推求设计洪水位是比较科学的。
- The potential boosting Limiting stage during flood is analyzed by checking design flood and studying interval and substage flood.2. 与此同时,通过对水库设计洪水的复核以及对区间洪水和分期洪水的研究,分析了汛限水位抬高的潜力。
- Some suggestions were put forward for the flood standard and structural type of flood control work,and for the issues of draining waterlogged area,harnessing pollution and improving planning etc. 对工程的防洪标准、结构型式、排涝、治污及完善规划等问题提出了一些探讨性意见。
- The main methods for calculating designed flood are probable maximum precipitation and hydrologic frequency analysis. 设计洪水计算方法主要是可能最大降雨和水文频率法。
- Speciality in fields Designed storm,Designed flood, Hydrological forecast,flood control information System, Decision support system, Data visualisation. 业务特长领域:设计暴雨、设计洪水、洪水预报、防汛信息系统、决策支持系统、数据可视化;
- Recheck of design flood in Chaihe reservoir 柴河水库设计洪水的复核
- The risk analysis of design flood for dykes 堤防设计洪水风险分析
- Study on Design Flood of Nanshui Reservoir 南水水库设计洪水研究
- Maximum design flood discharge ofreservoir 在水库大坝设计,水库设计最大泄洪流量
- Advances in research of design flood in UK 英国设计洪水研究进展
- Even an oversight in the design might issue in heavy losses. 设计中那怕是一点点疏忽也可能造成重大的损失。
- Study on the Design Flood for the Yanshan Reservoir 关于燕山水库设计洪水问题的探讨