- design a better mousetrap; plan the new wing of the museum. 构思更好的捕鼠器;构思一篇好文章。
- Can anyone design a better timetable? 有人能定出更好的时间表吗?
- design a better mousetrap 构思更好的捕鼠器
- design a better mousetrap; 构思更好的捕鼠器;
- Building a better mousetrap, one raindrop at a time. 建设一个更美好的捕鼠器,一个雨滴的时间。
- The classic inventor's quest is to build a better mousetrap. 优秀的发明家的追求是构建一个更好的触发器。
- Whenever man comes up with a better mousetrap, nature immediately comes up with a better mouse. 大自然法则断不容被违背。如果你违背她的法则,你将成为你自己的检察官、法官、陪审团及行刑者。
- Greater profit goes, of course, to the man who makes a better mousetrap than his neighbor as well as to the man who makes one more efficiently. 当然,在决定一个企业是否能得到较高利润的因素中,除了效率水平以外还有一点也很重要,那就是看它能否更巧妙地运用策略置竞争对手于死地。
- If you build a better mousetrap, you will only attract mice, but if you market a better mousetrap, you will attract customers. 如果你做的是一个更好的老鼠夹,你只需要吸引老鼠;
- A. Breakage and shelf life is a constant challenge. People want an all-natural product, but they want it to last 6 months. We just keep trying to create a better mousetrap. 答:破损和保质期一直是我们不断要面临的挑战。人们喜欢全天然食品,却希望保质期能够达到6个月。我们一直在努力经营出自己的“一招鲜”。
- It is like inventing a better mousetrap, but the tools to do the job are only being developed as you hop impatiently from foot-to-foot, waiting for them. 这就像发明更好的捕鼠器,但工具做的工作只是正在研制一步一步的赶上他们,等待他们。
- You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din; a better coat; a better type of car; a suit with a better fit; a better chance of success; produced a better mousetrap; she's better in math than in history. 你比我好,冈噶·丁;更好一些的外套;较好的一类车;一套更合身的衣服;更好的成功机会;生产一种较好的捕鼠器;她的数学比历史好。
- Many people use education as a steppingstone to a better life. 许多人将教育作为赢得更好的生活的手段。
- It is a classic example of how not to design a new city centre. 这对设计新市中心是个最佳的反面教材。
- He capped my story by telling a better one. 他把我讲的故事加以改进,讲出一个更好的故事。
- We shall have to design a new curriculum for the third year. 我们得设计出三年级的新课程。
- He's a better emcee than I think he'd be. 这司仪做得意外的好嘛。
- A well devoid of water is useless. 无水的井没有用途。
- However, some fundamental problem remains largely unsolved until now.For these reasons, we want to design a better CBIR system that is more close to human perceptual and more efficiency. 由于数位化和网际网路的发逹使得网际网路方便传输及资讯交换更为容易,因此也造成许多数位媒体产生了版权上的争议。
- The town has been designated a development area. 该城市已被定为开发区。