- Finally,based on the types of all load,using Matlab,the reliability programs are compiled to calculate the reliability index under different design and different load combination. 最后,基于所得出的各种荷载的分布状况,利用Matlab环境编制可靠度计算程序,利用该程序计算在不同设计情况下、不同荷载组合情况下的管壁强度可靠度指标。
- The needs for space environment design reliability, space environment test and space environment indemnification of space vehicle must be emphasized. 为了减少空间环境对航天器的影响作用,必须重视航天器的空间环境可靠性设计、空间环境试验以及空间环境保障。
- Empirical Bayes estimation (EBE) and maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of reliability index are given, respectively. 分别给出了系统可靠性指标的经验 Bayes 估计,极大似然估计。
- The reliability index in acceptance test of guidance ammunition is strictly required. 在制导弹药的验收试验中,对可靠性指标有较高的要求。
- And then, the effect factors of HVDC transmission system reliability index are classified by outage component. 并将影响直流输电系统可靠性指标因素按停运部件原因进一步分类分析。
- Designing to cost, the analysis of E/C and the selection of Reliability index have also been discussed. 讨论了按费用设计时可靠性指标的选择 及效/费权衡分析。
- By contrast, the paper calculated the reliability index of the abutment after changing variable quotietyof the stochastic variable. 作为对比,本文还在改变各随机变量变异系数的前提下,计算了坝肩岩体各高程的可靠指标。
- With an example of HOkV local power network, by N-l rule, using Load Supplying Capacity(LSC), educe LSC value and reliability index. 本研究以一110kV电压等级的地区电力网为例,结合电力系统的N-1准则,运用最大负荷供应能力(LSC)的计算方法,在对电网正常运行潮流计算的基础上,得出电网的各LSC值与系统可靠性指标。
- For improving the design reliability and efficiency of the stubble roller, visualized dynamic gap angle was obtained though drawing blade moving track according to movement equation using UG- NX3. 摘要 为提高灭茬刀辊设计的可靠性和效率,基于UG-NX3软件,根据运动方程绘制刀刃运动轨迹,形象直观的获取动态隙角。
- The results show that the optimal inspection instants should take place before the reliability index reaches the minimum acceptable reliability index. 结果表明,最优的检测是在结构的可靠指标低于最低可靠指标前就对结构进行检测。
- And the influence to the reliability index is done as well as the condensational force against sliding and the friction coefficient correlation. 以及考虑抗滑凝聚力与摩擦系数相关时,对可靠指标的影响。
- By contrast, the paper calculated the reliability index of the abutment after changing variable quotiety of the stochastic variable. 作为对比,本文还在改变各随机变量变异系数的前提下,计算了坝肩岩体各高程的可靠指标。
- The design reliable thereunderwas proved for the optimizing the prepairing technics in oil field. 为进一步改进套损井修复工艺提供了可靠的设计依据。
- The results show that the synthetical reliability index of coordination of gas turbine and gas turbine is very high,especially in the run mode of one engine and one screw. 计算分析结果表明,全燃联合推进系统的可靠性综合指标非常高,尤其又以单机单桨运行时的可靠性最好。
- DFR refers to the process of designing reliability into products to ensure customer expectations are met. 可靠性设计(DFR)技术是指在设计的过程中转化为产品以确保客户的期望得到满足的可靠性。
- Mechanical properties of nanoscale structures are needed to design reliable micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS). 中文摘要奈米压痕是最近发展出的技术,一种量测薄膜的机械性质的新方法。
- This kind of method not only considered fully the requirements of reliability index but also taken the randomness and fuzziness possessed by relevant designing parameters into account, thus let the designed results be more tally with practice. 这种方法不但充分考虑了可靠性指标的要求,而且还考虑了有关设计参量所具有的随机性和模糊性,从而使设计结果更加符合实际。
- By optimizing cage dimensions and spring tensions, the design provided a nearly constant chain gap, which was the key to reliable indexed shifting. 通过优化笼尺寸和春天的紧张局势,设计提供了一个几乎恒定链的差距,这是关键,可靠索引转移。
- Is the aspect ratio a reliable index for predicting the rupture of a saccular aneurysm? 动脉瘤的纵横比例是预测囊状动脉瘤破裂的可靠指标吗?