- descriptor fuzzy systems 广义模糊系统
- T-S descriptor fuzzy system T-S模糊广义系统
- Implementation of Fuzzy Systems using Multi-layered Neural Network. 使用多层的类神经网路来实作模糊系统.
- The problem of dissipative control for a class of T-S fuzzy systems is studied. 研究一类T-S模糊系统的动态输出反馈耗散控制问题。
- Fuzzy systems are efficient tools to simulate the human thinking and execute intelligent information processing. 模糊系统是模拟人类思维、执行智能信息处理的有效工具。
- Jen-Yang Chen , "A VSS-type FCMAC controller," IEEE Conf. On Fuzzy Systems, Oct. 2001. 陈柏岚;刘丁强;陈珍源;“学习式模糊控制系统设计及其在马达转速控制的应用;”2002自动控制研讨会.
- Jen-Yang Chen , "Hybrid model-based fuzzy control," IEEE Conf. On Fuzzy Systems, pp. 1126-1131, May, 2002. 陈珍源;刘丁强;”智慧导向之小脑控制系统;”中华技术学院论文发表研讨会;91年4月.
- C. T. Lin and C. S. G. Lee, Neural Fuzzy Systems: A Neuro-Fuzzy Synergism to Intelligent Systems, Preutice-Hall, 1996. 林法正,魏荣宗与段柔勇,超音波马达之驱动与智慧型控制,沧海书局。
- L.X.Wang, A Course In Fuzzy Systems and Control, Prentice-Hall International, Inc. 1997. 李连春,液压防止锁死刹车系统控制器设计之研究,成功大学机研所硕士论文,指导教授施明璋,1997。
- L. X. Wang, "Adaptive Fuzzy Systems and Control: Design and Stability Analysis", Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1994. 沈士棠,”阀控液压缸系统节能控制与伺服控制之智慧型平行控制”,国立台湾科技大学硕士论文,2004年。
- It fuses strongpoint of both neural net and fuzzy system and adept to mine rules in database especially. 由此,本文提出了用模糊神经网络来进行数据库中的规则发现。
- In order to solve the problem, the hierarchical fuzzy systems were introduced to comprehensively evaluate the sensory quality of unblended cigarette. 针对这一问题,本研究采用层次模糊法对单料烟感官质量进行了综合评价。
- Adeli, Hojjat, Hung,Shih-Lin, “Machine Learning Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithm, and Fuzzy systems,” John Wiley &Sons, Ins., New York, 1995. 连俊杰,“使用遗传基因法则决定避震器最佳位置和参数的方法”,国立中兴大学机研所硕士论文,1994。
- Dr.Devinder Kuar, Elisa Konga, and Esa Konga, “Fuzzy Traffic Light Controller”, 1995 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp. 1507-1510. 陈仁杰,王文俊指导,“双质量弹簧连结系统之振荡消除与定位控制”,硕士论文,国立中央大学电机所,1998年六月。
- Wang L. X., “Adaptive Fuzzy Systems and Control: Design and Stability Analysis,” Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1994. 李允中,王小璠,苏木春,”模糊理论及其应用”,全华图书,11-3至11-4页。
- Adeli, H. and Hung ,S.L., 1995, “Machine Learning: Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithm, and Fuzzy systems,” John Wiley & Sons, Ins., New York. 连俊杰,1994,使用遗传基因法则决定避震器最佳位置和参数的方法,国立中兴大学机研所硕士论文。
- Adeli, Hojjat, Hung, Shih-Lin, Machine learning:neural networks, genetic algorithms, and fuzzy systems, John Wiley & Sons, Ins., New York, 1995. 廖伟成,“应用基因演算法于直升机旋翼叶片之最佳化设计”,私立淡江大学航空太空工程研究所硕士论文,2001。
- This paper presents a robust adaptive trajectory linearization control(RATLC)based on T-S fuzzy system. 基于T-S模糊系统提出了鲁棒自适应轨迹线性化控制(RATLC)方法。
- The dynamic output feedback fuzzy controller is proposed to guarantee that the T-S fuzzy systems are dissipative by using the method of Lyapunov. 给出了保证该系统耗散的动态输出反馈控制器的设计方法。
- The design problem of guaranteed cost reliable controller for a class of uncertain discrete fuzzy systems with actuator failures is considered. 对于一类具有执行器故障的不确定离散模糊系统,研究其保性能可靠控制器设计问题。