- That contains the descriptive text for the item. 其中包含项的描述文本。
- The descriptive text for the application settings properties group. 应用程序设置属性组的说明性文字。
- Containing the descriptive text for the application settings group. 包含应用程序设置组的说明性文字。
- Containing the descriptive text for the associated configuration property. 包含关联的配置属性的说明性文字的。
- Label controls are typically used to provide descriptive text for a control. Label控件通常用于提供控件的描述性文字。
- Type descriptive text that will help site visitors use this form library. 并键入有助于网站访问者使用此表单库的说明性文字。
- Gets or sets the descriptive text displayed above the tree view control in the dialog box. 获取或设置对话框中在树视图控件上显示的说明文本。
- ScreenTips are small windows that display descriptive text when you rest the pointer over a shape. 屏幕提示是指在您将指针放在形状上时,显示说明性文本的小窗口。
- For non-SMTP address spaces, this value may be any descriptive text string, such as "Lotus Notes". 对于非SMTP地址空间,此值可以是任意描述性文本字符串,例如“Lotus Notes”。
- Instead, the Title attribute determines the descriptive text that appears in Windows Explorer. 而是由Title属性决定“Windows资源管理器”中显示的说明性文本。
- Label controls can also be used to add descriptive text to a Form to provide the user with helpful information. Label控件还可用于为Form添加描述性文字,以便为用户提供有帮助作用的信息。
- Enhanced ScreenTips are larger windows that display more descriptive text than a ScreenTip and can have a link to a Help topic. 增强的屏幕提示是更大的窗口,它可显示比屏幕提示更多的描述性文本,并可以具有指向帮助主题的链接。
- Each backup contains any descriptive text that is provided when the backup was created, and also the expiration information of the backup. 每个备份都包含创建备份时提供的描述性文本以及备份的到期信息。
- The problem with that solution, is that, when the dropdown is collapsed it will display the last chosen item always insted of some descriptive text. 这种方法的问题是当下拉窗口重叠时,它总是显示最后一次选中的条目,而不是描述性的文本。
- Project details are highlighted and descriptive text dissects the essential design elements that make each promotion unique and effective. 重点的细节和描述性的文字剖析了基本的设计要素,使得每个促销独特而且具有效果。
- Type a new name as you want it to appear in headings and links throughout the site. Type descriptive text that will help site visitors use this document library. 请键入希望在整个站点的标题和链接中显示的新名称,并键入帮助站点访问者使用此文档库的说明性文字。
- With respect to audio, a media-independent solution is used. In this case, a short ,descriptive text or an image of the size of an icon is preferably shown. 对于声音而言,也是使用与媒体无关的方法,在这种情况下宁可显示一段短的、描述性的文字或是图标大小的图像。
- In the Description text box, type Resellers for sales territory Pacific. 在“说明”文本框中,键入Resellers for sales territory Pacific。
- Subtitles descriptive texts can be provided in the video so that hearing impaired users can read what is presented. 录像可加入字幕说明,使听觉受损用户可阅读网页内容。
- Arrange a group of photos horizontally on a page. Thumbnails of your images are created automatically. Thumbnail images display in multiple rows. Descriptive text is placed below each image. 在页面上水平编排一组照片。自动创建图像的缩略图。分多行显示缩略图像,说明文字将置于每幅图像的下面。