- The delicate issue here is that the head of compliance is the deputy governor, Mr Fukui's underling. 这里,问题的复杂之处在于该委员会的领导是央行副行长,福井的下属。
- The former deputy governor of Jiangxi rovince, Hu Changqing, was convicted of accepting RMB 5 million USD 650, 000) in bribes. 原江西省副省长胡长清因受贿500万元(合65万美元)而被判有罪。
- Han Guirong, wife of an executed deputy governor, was sentenced to prison by an ANQING court in Jan. 2005 for her role in a bribery scheme. 安徽一副省长受贿被处死刑,其妻韩桂荣也捲入受贿案,于2005年1月被安庆一法院判处有期徒刑。
- Leading Group of Combating Desertification as LCB has been set up at each level of the local government, generally headed by Deputy Governor. 荒漠化地区各级政府构成了防治荒漠化领导小组;由各相关部门组成;一般由副省长或自治区副主席任组长;负责本省(区;市)内防治荒漠化的组织协调和领导工作.
- Li Chengyun, deputy governor of Sichuan province, said authorities have punished profiteers in 96 cases of "market violations. 四川省副省长李云说,目前当局已经惩处了96例有不合法“市场行为”的奸商。
- Former Vice-Governor of Hubei Province Meng Qingping, deputy governor of Hainan Province in the period not only to gain, or even to places for sex. 二是土地宏观调控机制不完备,表现为行政性计划管理体制、多头供地以及土地一级市场体制缺陷等。
- Chen Mingyi, Party secretary of Fujian Province, and Cao Degan, a deputy governor of Fujian, are on a research and investigation tour in jinfeng Industrial Park. 原福建省委书记陈明义、副省长曹德淦到金峰工业区调研。
- Macao Special Administrative Region chief executive He Houhua, Sichuan Assistant Deputy Governor Wang Ning attends the ceremony and unveils for the liaison office. 同样,也将为四川乃至西部地区企业投资澳门、利用澳门商贸服务平台,开拓海外市场提供有利的条件。
- Hunan provincial party committee assistant deputy secretary, Governor Zhou Qiang, Assistant Deputy Governor Chen Zhaoxiong attends the picturephone meeting. 湖南省委副书记、省长周强,副省长陈肇雄出席电视电话会议。
- A court in Indonesia sentenced Aulia Pohan, a former deputy governor of the central bank, to four and a half years in jail for approving illegal payments to politicians. 印度尼西亚法庭宣判,前央行副行长奥利亚.;波汉因批准政界人士非法支付,判决有期徒刑4年半。
- This reporter has learned that the current executive director of Minsheng Bank, the Deputy Governor of Hong saki浵Wang is expected to take over as president of the post. 据记者了解,现任民生银行执行董事、常务副行长洪崎将有望接替王世浵担任行长一职。
- Mr.ChuanQing, CCP secretary and deputy chief of the State Bureau of Quality, Technical Supervision and Testing Quarantine, and the Deputy Governor, of Sichuan Province visiting our institute. 国家质量监督检验检疫总局领导及四川省省领导来我院视察工作。
- Sir Andrew Large, deputy governor of the Bank of England, has called for a fundamental review of the controversial international accounting standard governing financial instruments. 呼吁,对有争议的金融工具国际会计准则彻底重新审议。
- Lu Wenke, deputy governor repeatedly on the topic of listening to the reports and instructed my office as soon as organizations dealing with the investigation and the status of reconstruction. 卢文舸副省长多次批示并专题听取汇报,指示我厅尽快组织全省危房现状调查并提出处理意见。
- Muto's career at the Ministry of Finance, where he worked for 37 years before becoming a deputy governor of the BOJ, could jeopardize the central bank's independence from the government. 武藤敏郎在担任日本央行副行长之前曾在财务省工作了37年。
- Deputy Governor Dr right speech for the departments at all levels to further unify our thinking and focus on the liquidation of arrears of farmers and government workers wage arrears cleanup projects. 何权副省长讲话,要求全省各级各部门进一步统一思想,重点抓好拖欠农民工工资的清理和政府工程拖欠款的清理工作。
- Attempted Suicide by a Chinese Deputy Governor 湖南副省长郑茂清畏罪自杀未遂
- Significantly, they included Sir John Gieve, one of two deputy governors, who is charged with overseeing financial stability. 引人注目的是,投赞成票的委员包括中央银行两位副总裁之一的约翰.;基维爵士,他的职责是监管经济的稳定性。
- The governor will keynote the convention. 州长将发表施政方针的演说。
- I'm acting as deputy till the headmaster returns. 我在校长回来前代行他的职务。