- A lot of these children have been deprived of a normal life. 这些孩子中的许多都已经被剥夺了正常的家庭生活。
- A mother and father are giving their son and daughter the gift of normal life by each donating a kidney to them. 一对父母将各自捐出一个肾给自己的一双儿女,把"常人生活"作为最好的礼物送给孩子们。
- He has been trying for years to bring himself within the orbit of normal life since he lost one of his arm. 自从他的一条胳膊残废了之后,多年来,他一直努力想让自己回到正常人的生活轨道上来。
- But the friction of normal life usually creates ambiguities that cannot be fully met in advance. 但正常生活中的矛盾通常会引起无法预先完全实现的暧昧。
- As Francis Fukuyama predicted, the West, triumphant, faces the sheer ennui of normal life, ennui that manifests itself in an eccentric taste in heroes. 如同福山所预言,西方在战后面对着按部就班生活的聊赖,这种无聊就表现在对英雄的奇特胃口上。
- They adopt the perspective and conceptions different from those of normal life science in the alternative studies, but their endeavor to institutionalize the studies is not completely alternative. 他们在采用另类视角和概念从事研究的同时,又在进行使这类研究体制化的努力。
- The deprivation of his citizenship shocked him. 被剥夺公民权这一做法令他很吃惊。
- Modern psychiatry too brings with it new controversies such as the medicalization of normal life, the power of the drug companies and the use of psychiatry as an agent of social control. 现代精神病学也用它带来新争论,例如正常的生活的用医学方法处理, 作为一位社会控制的代理人的药公司的能力和使用精神病学。
- A condition of normal body temperature. 正常体温体温正常的状况
- Loss or removal of normal pigmentation. 褪色丧失或转移正常的着色
- The disease shuts the boy off from most of the activities of normal children. 疾病使这个男孩不能参加正常孩子的大部分活动。
- They are deprived of their rights as citizens. 他们被剥夺了公民权。
- He was deprived of his rights to education. 他被剥夺了受教育的权利。
- She braced herself to lead a normal life. 她振作起来去过正常生活。
- She was deprived of all the rewards that she deserved. 她被剥夺了她所应享受的一切奖励。
- He should be able to lead a perfectly normal life. 他应该能够过上完全正常的生活。
- What will a student do if he were deprived of his books? 一个学生如果没有了书籍,将怎么办?
- Proposed that he should resume his normal life. 他们建议他重新开始正常的生活。
- What's wrong with wanting to lead a normal life? 想过正常的生活有什么问题吗?
- Torture of any resident or arbitrary or unlawful deprivation of the life of any resident shall be prohibited. 禁止对居民施行酷行、任意或非法剥夺居民的生命。