- Baiyinchagan depression is part of downwarping faulted rift basin developed on XingmengHercynian multicycle and collision fold basement in late Mesozoic. 白音查干凹陷为兴蒙海西期多旋回、软碰撞褶皱基底上晚中生代发育起来的断-坳型裂谷盆地的次级构造单元。
- The structural evolution of Tangyuan Fault Depression shows that: its Mesozoicbasin is overridden by its Cenozoic basin; the Cenozoic fault controlled the boundaryof the depression and the depression is a passive rift basin. 通过对依-舒地堑构造演化研究认为汤原断陷中生界盆地与新生界盆地为叠置关系,断裂在新生界时期表现为控盆断裂,断裂性质为张剪性,断陷属于被动性成盆机制所控制的被动型裂谷盆地。
- Dongpu depression is a typical rifted basin in eastern China. 东濮凹陷是我国东部典型的裂陷盆地。
- Liaohe basin is a rift basin developed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. 辽河盆地是中、新生代发育起来的裂谷盆地。
- The Bohai oil province is a part of the Bohai bay nonmarine rift basin. 渤海油区是渤海湾陆相裂谷盆地的一部分。
- Keywords Dongpu Depression;Half-graben;Rift basin; 东濮凹陷;半地堑;裂陷盆地;
- Climate and tectonics are the two key controls for the formation of the stratigraphy of a rift basin. 气候和构造是裂谷盆地地层形成的两个重要控制因素。
- This conclusion is of great importance to Dongying Depression and the other terrestrial rift basins in East China in restudy and evaluation of hydrocarbon source rocks. 该认识对于深入研究和评价东营凹陷乃至整个中国东部陆相断陷盆地烃源岩具有重要意义。
- The deep part of Tertiary rifted basin representative of Weibei Depression has relatively abundant gas. 以潍北凹陷为代表的第三系断陷盆地深层具有较丰富的天然气藏,且显示出深盆气的部分成藏特征。
- The lacustrine regression caused by the falling of the relative lake-level in rift basin is called Forced Lacustrine Regression (FLR). 断陷湖盆中相对湖平面下降引起的湖退作用称之为强制湖退作用。
- HU Wang-shui.Transfer structures and its importance to hydrocarbon exploration within rift basin [J].Qil &Gas Prespecting Abroad, 1994,6(2):145-152. [5]胡望水.;裂谷盆地转换构造及其石油地质意义[J]
- Turpan-Hami basin is a typical multicycle and multiplex basin, it has both the character of depression basin and that of rifted basin. 摘要吐哈盆地是一个典型的多旋回叠合型盆地,既具有断陷型盆地特征,又具有坳陷型盆地性质。
- The Songliao rift basin refers to the basin developed by crustal extension in Songliao region during Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous period. 松辽裂陷盆地指松辽地区晚侏罗世至早白垩世期间发育的盆地,因地壳伸展而产生。
- As a rift basin, Bohai Bay developed on an erosional base of collision margin between Lower Yangtze and North China Plates. 渤海湾盆地是在下扬子板块与华北板块碰撞边缘侵蚀基底上发育起来的裂谷盆地。
- The lacustrine regression caused by the falling of the relative lake-level in rift basin is called Forced Lacustrine Regression ( FLR). 断陷湖盆中相对湖平面下降引起的湖退作用称之为强制湖退作用。
- Located in the middle Mongolia, Nilga Bbasin is a Meso-zoic rift basin and is in the early exploration stage at present. 位于蒙古国中部的尼尔金盆地是一个中生代裂谷盆地,目前仍处于勘探早期。
- In Liaohe rifted basin, Du66 block is situated on the middle part in the western slope in the western depression, and is a typical thin-interbedded reservoir with heavy oil. 摘要杜66块位于辽河断陷盆地西部凹陷西斜坡中段,为一典型的薄互层状普通稠油油藏。
- The geochemical characteristics of the metabasalt agree with those of continental rift type volcanic rocks, forming a tectonic environment of the active shelf rift basin. 变质玄武岩的地球化学特征与大陆裂谷型火山岩一致,形成于活动陆棚裂陷(谷)盆地的构造环境。
- An Zuo-xiang who wrote many articles to demonstrate it.It is indicated that there existed this remigration in rift basin,foreland basin and kraton basin. 此外,在南海的珠江口盆地和莺琼盆地表现双源相向运移形成大油气田的现象,另有一番油气田形成的复杂研究景象。
- Terrigenous sedimentary rocks developed with a great thickness in the rift basin of the South Jinxian Sag, Jizhong Basin, and stratigraphic framework is sandy sediments. 冀中坳陷晋南洼陷古近系充填了巨厚的陆源沉积岩,其沉积骨架为砂岩。