- These features indicate it is the faults activities that control the development of depositional sequence in this area. 地层厚度的变化特征表明,断层的活动性控制了该区层序的发育。
- Lithostratigraphy, biostratum, and depositional sequence are consolidated by the whole region stratum contrast in research field. 并进行了全区的地层对比,使研究区下寒武统的岩石地层、生物地层、年代地层和层序地层得到了统一。
- It can be used to determine boundaries of depositional sequence and system tracts, current direction, hydraulic energy and manifold depositional environ ments. 用它可以确定层序和体系域边界,判断水流方向和水动力大小,识别多种沉积环境。
- The whole process of the formation is a complete turbidite depositional sequence and a mixed layer that made up of terrestrial origin and algae import formed in the interval of turbidity event. 由此认为,该套地层的形成应该是以重力流形式携带大量载荷直接补给湖盆内并快速沉积,然后,在浊流发生的间歇期,上覆湖相沉积物,从而形成互层的砂泥岩层序结构。
- Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy is used to analyze Jurassic depositional sequences in Tu-ha basin, and three sequences and one supersequence are divided in this paper. 本文应用陆相层序地层学方法对吐哈盆地侏罗系沉积层序进行了综合分析,划分出三套层序和一套超层序。
- hydrochemical depositional sequence 水化学沉积序列
- The depositional sequences of meandering river are typical of the development of point bars, crevasse-splays, natural levees and flood plains. 曲流河沈积以发育点砂垻、决口扇、天然堤和泛滥平原等微相单元为特徵。
- In South China four depositional sequences are recognized in the upper part of Upper Devonian and Tournaisian. They are named SQ1, SQ2, SQ3 and SQ4 in ascending order. 本文把华南法门阶上部和杜内阶分为4个层序,自下而上依次命名为SQ0、SQ1、SQ2和SQ3。
- In video disk, a consecutive sequence of frames. 在视频光盘上,一种连续的帧序列。
- She made a sequence of dance movements. 她做了一个连续的舞蹈动作。
- Put the mixed historical facts in sequence. 将混淆的历史事件按顺序排列。
- I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。
- We will deal with events in historical sequence. 我们将按照历史上的先后顺序研究这些事件。
- Farmers met with a sequence of bad harvests. 农民们遇到了接二连三的坏收成。
- He described the events of that day in sequence. 他按先后次序描述了那一天发生的种种事件。
- Some insects deposit their eggs on the ground. 有些昆虫把卵产在地上。
- The twelfth in a set or sequence. 第十二个在一套或一系列中的第十二个
- You may deposit your valuables in the hotel safe. 您可以将您的贵重物品放在旅馆的保险柜里。
- Could we run that sequence through again? 咱们再把那一段重放一遍好吗?
- I'd like to pay200 yuan into my deposit account. 我想在在我的定期存款户头上存200元。