- deployment of Turkish troops 土耳其部队的部署
- He has inquired out the deployment of the enemy troops. 他已查出敌军的兵力部署情况。
- They speak a dialect of Turkish. 他们说土耳其语的一种方言。
- Support for dynamic deployment of aspects. 支持方面的动态部署。
- A moratorium on the deployment of a new weapon. 暂停一种新型武器的部署
- You can turn off deployment of test items. 可以关闭测试项的部署。
- Flight Safety is the first consideration of Turkish Airlines. 飞行安全是Turkish Airlines的首要考量因素。
- Karzai has dismissed concerns that Turkish troops might be dragged into unrest in areas outside Kabul. 卡尔扎伊5日说,土耳其关于其军队会卷入阿富汗外地重新发生的动乱的担心,是多余的。
- The following figure illustrates a basic deployment of LCR. 下图介绍了LCR的基本部署。
- Automatic compilation and deployment of application. 应用的自动编译和部署。
- About 300 Turkish troops move several kilometres into northern Iraq, local officials say, stepping up pressure on Kurdish PKK rebels there. 300民土耳其士兵向伊拉克北部前进了几千米的事件,地方官员这是对库尔德PKK反叛军的压制。
- It was one of the biggest cross-border air strikes in recent years and was followed by an incursion by about 300 Turkish troops. 这是最近几年发生的最严重的越境空中打击,随后则是大约300土耳其士兵的入侵。
- Have you participated in the design and deployment of a Web site? 您曾参与设计和开发过网站吗?
- Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkish troops invaded the island in response to a coup in Nicosia by supporters of a union with Greece. 1974年;为了报复希腊和联盟支持者对尼科西亚发动的突袭;土耳其军队侵入该岛屿;自此塞浦路斯共和国一分为二.
- Instead of trying to expel the Turks they launched a guerrilla war which tied up Turkish troops that could have been fighting else where. 但他们并没有驱逐土耳其人,反而发动一场游击战,那困住了土耳其的军队,使其军队无法在别的地方作战。
- Guingona and Arroyo had a terrible row over the deployment of 1,000 US troops in the southern Philippines. 金戈纳与雅罗育为了在菲律宾南部部署一千名美军的问题争得不可开交。
- With 100,000 Turkish troops near the frontier, and the public baying for action to stem cross-border raids by the Kurdistan Workers Party the stakes are high. 土耳其在边境部署了10万人的军队,加上公众呼吁采取行动阻止库尔德工人党的越界袭击,赌注还是挺大的。
- Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkish troops invaded the island in response to occur a coup in Nicosia by support supporters of the a union with Greece. 塞浦路斯从1974年开始分裂,当时土耳其军队入侵岛国以回应希腊联盟支持的尼科西亚的打击。
- Sudan is a prominent member of theAU, and is seen as having a big say over its deployment of troops. 苏丹是非盟中一个突出成员,在非盟军队的部署方面被认为有很大的发言权。
- Cyprus has been divided since 1974.When , when Turkish troops invaded the isalnd, island in response to an ? a coup in Nicosia by supporters of Union a union with Greece. 自1974年以来塞浦路斯就处于分治状态,土耳其军队入侵尼科西亚以防由希腊联盟支持者发动政变。