- WSN does the need for effective security because of its inherent resource constraints and open deployment and radio. 无线传感器网络因其资源有限和分布与通信开放性的特点而使得其安全性需求显得极为重要和必要。
- I'll nip on ahead and open the door. 我要赶到前面去开门。
- They can be removed from deployment and stored. 而是停止调用,保存起来。
- He is very modest and open to advice. 他很谦虚,乐于接受意见。
- I saw him put the key in the lock, turn it and open the door. 我看见他把钥匙插进锁孔、 转动钥匙,然後打开了门。
- Button to complete the deployment and proceed to the next step. 按钮来完成部署,并继续下一步。
- He jump the gun and open the test before the teacher say to start. 在老师说开始前,他行动过早,先翻开了试卷。
- I take a bottle of beer and open it. 我拿出一瓶啤酒并把它打开。
- Deployment and Operations. This topic explains how to deploy and update the application block assemblies. 部署和操作。这个主题阐述了如何部署和更新你的应用程序块部件。
- I will nip on ahead and open the door . 我要赶到前面去打开那个门。
- She slid the bolt back and opened the door. 她推开门闩,把门打开。
- He answered me very directly and openly. 他非常直接坦率地回答了我。
- The hunting dog scented a fox in the hole and opened up. 猎犬嗅出洞里有一只狐狸,便狂吠起来。
- He is dignified, and open and aboveboard. 他堂堂正正,光明正大。
- To discover and open(a vein or deposit) in mining. 采采矿时发现和开采出(矿脉或矿床)
- Go to the kitchen and open all the windows. 到厨房去把所有窗户打开。
- Please put them on the counter and open them. 请把它们放在柜台上,并且打开。
- Spines is an open source overlay network system that allows easy deployment and testing of overlay protocols. Spines是源代码开放的覆盖网络,我们可以部署它用于测试覆盖网络协议,提高我们需要的服务质量要求。
- This same truth is a naked and open day light. “真理”这件东西可说是一种无隐无饰的白昼之光。
- The new museum is up and open to the public. 新博物馆已落成开放。