- The new system is a departure from our usual methods. 这套新办法不同于我们惯用的方法。
- Ordered curry as a departure from his usual bland diet. 他没有点通常吃的淡而无味的食品,而要了咖哩食品
- This is a new departure from the old method. 这是对旧的方案的新发展。
- Any departure from this order is considered a violation of the laws. 任何背弃这个命令的行为都被认为是违法行为。
- The "hat" distinguishes symmetry operations from symmetry elements. “帽号”用来将对称操作与对称元素区别开。
- The new policy represents a complete departure from their previous position. 新政策意味著他们完全背离了以前的立场。
- It was a radical departure from tradition. 这从根本上违背了传统。
- departure from symmetry 偏离对称
- There can be no departure from the rules. 不能允许违反规则。
- This is a departure from precedent. 这是违反前例的。
- Departure from a norm; deviation. 背离常规;越轨
- It is a gross departure from promise. 这严重地违反了你方的诺言。
- They are a departure from the Theosophic tradition. 它们与见神论传统分道扬镳。
- McNabb announced his departure from GM last week. 迈克纳布宣布离开通用汽车公司上周。
- His acts constitute a departure from his promise. 他的行为背离了他的诺言。
- Any departure from this position is a form of specialization. 任何偏离这个位置的都是一种特化形态。
- ATM represents a radical departure from the traditional LAN format. ATM表示对传统局域网格式的彻底脱离。
- The influence that spin of an electron affects energy degeneracyof one-electron system is discussed from symmetry,and the general law of the influence is produced. 从对称性出发,讨论了电子自旋对单电子体系能量简并的影响,并得出影响的一般规律。
- We learned of/about his departure from our director only yesterday. 昨天我们才从主任那里听说他走了。