- Do not deny yourself, for you are God Goddess in form. 不要拒绝你自己,因为你是形态内的男女神。
- I should never have expected you to deny yourself anything for my sake. 我决不应该指望你为了我的缘故责怪你自己。
- Why deny yourself, don't just let life pass you by like winter in July. 为什末要对自己不自信呢,请记住千万不要像七月里的冬天那样,让你的生命毫无意义的从你身边溜走。
- The craving of foods high in fat is the natural outcome of ascension, and we guide you not to deny yourself. 对高脂肪食物的渴望是提升的自然结果,而我们指导你不要拒绝给予你自己。
- Therefore it is essential to understand do I have love?vnd not to deny yourself from desir ang. 所以,重点是在于了解自己是否有爱,而不是要否定自己没有欲望。
- Therefore it is essential to understand do I have love? and not to deny yourself from desiring. 所以,苞威I是在于了解自己是否有爱,而不是要否定自己没有欲望。
- Therefore it is essential to understand doh I have love? wnd not to deny yourself from desiring. 所以,重点是在于了解自己是否有爱,而不是要否定自己没有欲望。
- A food critic once wrote, “It would be an act of cruelty to deny yourself the pleasure of their bread pudding. 一位食品评论家曾经这样写道:“剥夺自己品尝他们面包丁的乐趣可谓是残酷的行为。”
- Argument: There are mando I have love? and not to deny yourself from desiring. Such attempts to eliminate want from humanity to me is rather absurd. 辩君:欲望有很多种,浅与否是见仁见智;这是价值观不同、而不是认知不同。
- Oftentimes in denying yourself pleasure you do but store the desire in the recessed of your being. 通常在你拒绝追寻快乐时,你只不过是把追寻快乐的欲望潜藏到心中的更深处而已.
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。
- Oftentomes in denying yourself pleasure you do but store the desire in the recesses pf your being. 你们通常拒绝快乐;只是把快乐的欲望潜伏在心中.
- Oftentimes in denying yourself pleasure you do but store the desire in the recesses of your being. 你们拒绝欢乐,往往只是在你内在更深处藏起了你们的欲望。
- Denying yourself your favorite foods can lead to binge eating and, ultimately, discouragement. 对你自己喜欢的食物进行节制可能会导致暴饮暴食,而最终受挫。
- Eventually, desires for what you’ve denied yourself become unbearable, and you react with either a bige or overly fierce self-control. 终于,你对自已所排斥东西的渴望终于到了无法忍受的地步,这时你做出的反映要么是需要你更大的控制力,要么是极度痛苦的内心挣扎。
- I can not deny my keen anticipation of her visit. 我不能否认我热切期待她的来访。
- This can lead to thriftiness to the point of denying yourself pleasure, or embracing some health fad to ward of disease. 也许这会导致你节俭到否定自我愉快感或拥抱某个健康时尚来避开疾病。
- Then you are of no further interest to me, rivel... though I suspect your dreams will be filled with dark imaginings of the hedonistic pleasures you have denied yourself. 那你对我不再感到兴趣,真令人伤心...尽管我察觉你的梦里充满你无法自己为追求快乐纵欲的邪恶幻想。
- They've been very swift to deny these rumors. 他们在辟谣方面反应迅速。
- He must deny himself many of the comforts of life. 他必须放弃很多舒适的生活。