- A dense core of incandescent helium is surrounded by a thin shell of hot, fusing hydrogen. 一个由白炽的氦形成的稠密的核外面包围着一层炽热熔化的氢薄壳。
- Had it melted all the way through, the heavier materials would have concentrated in a dense core. 假如它熔化过,那么,较重的物质就会聚集在一个致密的核里。
- Battersby S,Dely CJ,Hopkinson NE,et al.The nature of breast dense core granules;Chromogranin reactivity[J].Histopathology 1992;20:107. 李桂梅;李祥周;赖仁胜;等.;乳腺神经内分泌癌18例病理形态学观察[J]
- There were dense cored vesicles in various kinds of synapses. 实心颗粒小泡存在于几类突触中。
- Although markers for both small vesicles and large dense core vesicles are found in astrocytes, the identity of vesicles undergoing exocytosis has been largely unclear. 尽管人们已经在星型胶质细胞中发现了小囊泡和大致密核心囊泡的标记物,可是用以胞吐的囊泡究竟是什么还并不清楚。
- He thinks of new york as a den of iniquity. 他认为纽约是个藏污纳垢之处。
- He has made his house a den of thieves. 他把自己的家变成了一个贼窝。
- The bears den up together during the winter. 冬天熊一起在洞穴里冬眠。
- He thought of New York as a den of iniquity. 他认为纽约是个藏污纳垢之处。
- The liner ran down a fishing-boat during the dense fog. 班轮在浓雾中撞沉了一只渔船。
- The bar in the slum is a den of iniquity. 这个贫民窟里的小酒吧是一个充满罪恶的场所。
- Traffic was interrupted by a dense fog. 交通因浓雾而受阻。
- The hard core in the party make all the decisions. 这个党的核心成员决定一切。
- The police tracked the thieves to their den. 警察跟踪小偷,直到他们的老窝。
- They hewed their way through the dense jungle. 他们在浓密的丛林里开辟出一条路来。
- I can't see anything in this dense mist. 这样的浓雾里,我什么也看不见。
- This concept is at the very core of her theory. 这个概念是她理论的核心。
- He is so dense he'll never amount to anything. 他十分愚钝,决不会有出息。
- Traffic slowed down because of the dense fog. 因浓雾车辆减速行驶。
- We fought our way through dense forest. 我们奋力通过密林。