- Will a dengue fever patient display mild and therefore hardly noticeable symptoms? 登革热患者的病徵会否轻微至不易察觉?
- When a dengue fever patient is bitten by a vector mosquito, the mosquito is infected and it may spread the disease by biting other healthy people. 当登革热患者被病媒蚊叮咬后,病媒蚊便会染上病毒,再叮咬其他健康的人,便有机会将该病传播。
- dengue fever patients 登革热患者
- It is the major media for malaria and dengue fever. 埃及伊蚊是登革热病的传播媒介。
- Which virus causes dengue fever? 登革热是由哪一种病毒引致?
- What is the mode of transmission of dengue fever? 登革热的传播途径是甚么?
- What is the treatment for dengue fever? 如何医治登革热?会有后遗症吗?
- DHF is a severer form of dengue fever. 登革出血热是较严重的登革热。
- There is no specific treatment for dengue fever. 对登革热没有特殊的治疗办法。
- Patients that used to be infected by different types of dengue fever are more susceptible to haemorrhagic dengue. 曾经感染不同类别登革热的患者较常人更易患上出血性登革热。
- Patients that used to be infected by different types of dengue fever are more susceptible to haemorrhagic dengue . 登革热病毒是一个谜一样的病毒,它很难被诊断出来也不可能被隔离。
- Dengue fever is an acute communicable disease caused by virus. 登革热是一种由过滤性病毒所引起的急性传染病。
- Dengue fever is an acute viral disease caused by the Dengue virus. 登革热是一种由登革热病毒引起的急性传染病。
- Dengue fever is transmitted through infective mosquito bites. 登革热是透过带有病毒的蚊叮咬而传播。
- There have been a total of 30 dengue fever cases so far this year. 今年至今共有30宗登革热个案,全为外地传入个案。
- Will one develop dengue fever if bitten by Aedes albopictus? 被白纹伊蚊叮咬,是否便会感染登革热?
- What are the preventive measures against dengue fever? 有甚么方法可以预防登革热?
- In June, the number of notifications of Dengue Fever was 2. 六月份,登革热的呈报个案有2宗。
- In March, the number of notifications of Dengue Fever was 2. 三月份,登革热的呈报个案有2宗。
- In May, the number of notifications of Dengue Fever was 2. 五月份,登革热的呈报个案有2宗。