- denervation supersensitivity test of bladder 膀恍去神经超过敏试验
- vesical denervation supersensitivity test 膀胱去神经超过敏试验
- denervation supersensitivity 神经切除后超敏感
- Central denervation was performed in the spinal cord or sacral nerve roots. 中枢性去神经施行于脊髓及骶神经根。
- Parkinson's disease is a common and disabling disorder of movement owing to dopaminergic denervation of the striatum. 帕金森氏病是一种常见的由于纹状体除多巴胺能神经支配的运动异常疾病。
- Most of these models rely on a partial denervation of the limb of the animal by ligating a selected nerve. 绝大多数的这些模型依赖于结扎所选择的神经使动物肢体部分去神经。
- However, it is still unclear how this denervation perverts normal functioning to cause slowing of voluntary movements. 然而,仍然不清楚去神经支配是怎么导致正常功能反常,随意运动减慢的。
- The SK3 channel was overexpressed in skeletal muscles after denervation and in patients with myotonic dystrophy(DM). 使去神经支配和肌强直营养不良患者骨骼肌SK3表达显著上调。
- Critical illness polyneuropathy (CIP) causes acute axonal injury in peripheral nerves and muscle denervation. 重症多神经病变为急性轴突神经病变,使骨骼肌去神经化,发生率的报导从22-82%25都有。
- Electrophysiologic testing demonstrated active denervation restricted to the diaphragm.Long-term recovery was poor. 电生理检查证实活化的去神经支配限制了膈肌,患者的远期恢复较差。
- However, cauterization and denervation of the sex organs and even castration were sometimes also deemed necessary. 然而,性器官腐蚀法和支配神经阻断法以及阉割法有时竟然也被认为是必须的治疗措施。
- The changes in insulin receptors were studied in chick anterior latissimus doris (ALD) and posterior latissimus doris (PLD) 4 weeks after denervation. 采用健康成年鸡的自身对照实验,研究鸡的前背阔肌(ALD)和后背阔肌(PLD)失神经后胰岛素受体的改变。
- Patients with facial neurapraxia was judged as denervation negative and residual function of facial muscles was above 65%. 面神经失用患者均判断为失神经支配阴性,残留面肌功能65%25以上。
- Two techniques are used to get denervation: injection of neurolytic drugs( alcohol or phenol) or neurotoxic drugs(capsaicin or butolinum A), ... 去神经的方法包括注射神经溶解性药物(酒精或酚)、灌注神经毒性药物(辣椒辣素或肉毒素A)和外科手术切断。
- Denervation will unavoidably result in atrophy of the innervated muscles, apoptosis is considered to be one of the atrophy mechanisms. 摘要骨骼肌失去神经支配后将不可避免地发生萎缩,细胞凋亡被认为是其中的机制之一。
- The importance of blood pressure variability in rat aortic and left ventricular hypertrophy produced by sinoaortic denervation. 大鼠尾核内注射多巴胺受体激动剂、拮抗剂对血压和心率的影响.
- It is a tough problem to prevent the skeletal muscle's atrophy after the denervation for a long time such as the high level nerve injury. 失神经支配骨骼肌萎缩严重影响神经修复的效果,有关高位神经损伤及长期失神经支配骨骼肌的萎缩的防治一直是外科领域的难题。
- Peripheral denervation was performed on the bladder wall, around peri-bladder connective tissue, or the pelvic nervous plexus. 去神经可分为两种:周围性去神经施行于膀胱壁、膀胱周围及盆内脏神经;
- Results:The first measuerment normal nerve detected by I/t curve:29.5% ;partial denervation:66.1% ;whole denervation:4.4% . 结果:首次测定I/t曲线为正常神经支配占29.;5%25,部分失神经支配为66
- The present work was undertaken to examine whether the testosterone levels could be modified by denervation of the testis in adult rats. 本研究以成年大鼠为实验动物, 检验睾酮的代偿性增加是否受到睾丸去神经的影响。