- The country faces a demographic timebomb, with a fast-greying population set to start shrinking soon. 人口问题是日本的一颗“定时炸弹”,人口的迅速老龄化会使其人口很快开始减少。
- demographic timebombn. 人口定时炸弹;未来的人口爆炸
- However, for the time being; they will grow stronger, the question really is what are they going to do before the demographic and thus economic timebomb hits? 不过就目前来说,中国的实力会增长,但真正的问题是在中国的人口和经济定时炸弹爆炸前,中国将怎么办?
- However, for the time being;they will grow stronger, the question really is what are they going to do before the demographic and thus economic timebomb hits? 不过就目前来说,中国的实力会增长,但真正的问题是在中国的人口和经济定时炸弹爆炸前,中国将怎办?
- Why can't they hear this market timebomb ticking? 为什么他们听不到市场这只定时炸弹的滴答声呢?
- Demographic data stored as xml data. 统计数据以xml格式存储。
- A massive demographic shift in China is under way. 中国正在经历一场巨大的人口结构转变。
- The demographic dividend comes around only once. 人口红利仅此一次,失不再来。
- India is a demographic time bomb. 印度的人口是一个定时炸弹。
- The demographic bonus became a demographic onus. 人口统计上的奖励变成了负担。
- So there it is, a ticking timebomb, waiting to go off. 于是,这颗定时炸弹便被埋下了,随时准备起爆。
- But the harmony society rejects the risky demographic transition. 但和谐社会拒绝不安全的人口转变。
- Demographic change is another reason why the workforce is greying. 人口变化是劳动力老龄化的又一原因。
- The Demographic Deficit: How Aging Will Reduce Global Wealth? 人口赤字:老龄化如何减少全球财富?
- And an aging population are the greatest demographic challenges. 低人口出生率。
- Nor need demographic decline imply economic decline. 由人口的减少来推断经济的衰退是没有必要的。
- The demographic transition is thus, in part, a pure accident. 因此,一定意义上来说,人口结构的转换是一场纯粹的意外。
- Most explanations of the demographic transition are social. 对于人口结构转化的解释大都出自社会学角度。
- Could you tell me what demographic you're aiming at? 你能告诉我,你的目标客户是哪些人吗?
- "If vehicle ownership increases very rapidly, we'll have a timebomb ticking away. 他说,“如果上路车辆急剧增加,那无异于埋下了一颗定时炸弹。