- Democratic Republic of the Congo is renamed Zaire. 1971年的今天,刚果民主共和国重命名为扎伊尔。
- What will be the composition of the new democratic republic? 新的民主共和国所包括的成分是什么呢?
- Visits to Angola, Cambodia, and Democratic Republic of Congo. 民主共和国的访问。
- Today Zaire is known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 今天的扎伊尔就是刚果共和国,他们在那里花了。
- V. was found in a man from what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. V.;病例是在现在的刚果民主共和国的一个男子身上被发现的。
- At the bottom came the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe and Burundi. 而排在“幸福名单”末尾的国家则是刚果民主共和国、巴布韦和布隆迪。
- Democratic Republic of Germany in 1985 by the Brothers Grimm literary prize. 1985年获民主德国格林兄弟文学奖金。
- John Vidal reports on timber rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 约翰&%238226;魏德尔对刚果民主共和国(刚果金)的森林采伐权进行报道。
- To overthrow imperialism and feudalism and to establish a people's democratic republic. 目的就是打倒帝国主义和封建主义,建立一个人民民主的共和国。
- Costa Rica is a democratic republic with a strong system of constitutional checks and balances. 哥斯达黎加是一个民主共和国以宪法检查和平衡一个强的系统。
- We are for the attainment of socialism by going through all the necessary stages of the democratic republic. 我们主张经过民主共和国的一切必要的阶段,到达于社会主义。
- Mr Klarkowski advises a project in Bukavu, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, that frequently tests people for HIV. 克拉科夫斯基在常进行HIV诊断试验的民主刚果共和国布卡武市发起了一项研究计划。
- The Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly Zaire, is a huge country in Central Africa with sixty million people. 刚果共和国前身是扎伊尔,是中非的一个大国家,人口6千万。
- The Communist Party put forward the slogan of a "democratic republic" as early as August 1936. 共产党还在一九三六年八月就提出了“民主共和国”这个口号。
- The democratic revolution will develop through several stages,all under the slogan of a democratic republic. 民主革命中将有几个发展阶段,都在民主共和国口号下面。
- Many comrades have been asking questions about the nature of the democratic republic and its future. 关于民主共和国的性质和前途的问题,许多同志已提出来了。
- Therefore,the Chinese Communist Party proclaims its active support of the movement for a democratic republic. 因此,中国共产党宣布:积极赞助民主共和国运动。
- A people's democratic republic means a republic based on the revolutionary Three People's Principles. 这种人民民主主义的共和国,就是革命的三民主义的共和国。
- The national assembly must be a parliament elected by universal suffrage and the supreme organ of authority of the democratic republic of China. 而国民大会也必须是全国人民普选出来的国会,是中华民主共和国的最高权力机关。
- For copper and cobalt, China looks to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia; for iron ore and platinum, South Africa. 为了铜和钴,中国关注刚果民主主义共和国和赞比亚;为了铁矿和铂,关注南非。