- democratic Arab Islamic state 民主阿拉伯伊斯兰国家
- Rights of Non-Muslims in an Islamic State? 在一个伊斯兰教国内非穆斯林有甚么权利?
- Embassy of the Islamic State of Afghanistan?? 阿富汗伊斯兰国大使馆??
- Embassy of the Islamic State of Afghanistan? 阿富汗伊斯兰国大使馆?
- Chasing a Mirage: An Islamic State or a State of Islam? 追逐海市蜃楼:伊斯兰国家或国家的伊斯兰教?
- At the end of the 19th century, a large number of precious papyrus documents of ancient Egypt and Arab Islam were smuggled abroad and scattered all over the world. 兰湍
- In its ideal form, Shariah ensures the rights of all in an Islamic state. 以它理想的形式,Shariah保证所有的权利在一个伊斯兰教的状态。
- At Friday prayers last week he proposed a symbolic one-month embargo by Arab and Islamic states against countries supporting Israel. 在星期五的祈祷上,他提议阿拉伯和伊斯兰国家对支持以色列的国家进行一个月的象征性石油禁运。
- A ruler claiming descent from Mohammed and exercising authority in an Islamic state. 伊玛目声称继承穆罕默德并在一个伊斯兰国家行使权力的一个统治者
- An American member of al-Qaeda is calling on Pakistanis to put aside their differences and establish an Islamic state. 基地组织的一位美国成员呼吁巴基斯坦人撇开他们的分歧,建立一个伊斯兰国家。
- The tape is said to be from Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, head of the Islamic State of Iraq, The claim could not be verified. 据说,录音带来自伊拉克伊斯兰国组织领导人阿布.奥马尔.巴格达迪。上述宣言未能得到证实。
- The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred, whether a person is Muslim or not. Islam also protects honor. 伊斯兰教的所有子民的生命与财产都是不可侵犯的,不论该人是否为穆斯林。伊斯兰教也保护荣誉。
- Ms Bhutto - the first woman PM in an Islamic state - was leaving an election rally in Rawalpindi when a gunman shot her in the neck and set off a bomb. 贝布托夫人是伊斯兰教国家的第一位女总理,在她离开拉瓦尔品第市的选举现场时,被枪手射中脖子并遭遇炸弹袭击。
- The Arabic Islamic culture system is one the four great culture systems in the world. 阿拉伯伊斯兰文化体系是世界四大文化体系之一。
- Ms Bhutto - the first woman PM in an Islamic state - was leaving an election rally in Rawalpindi when a gunman shot her-n the neck and set off a bomb. 贝布托夫人是伊斯兰教国家的第一位女总理,在她离开拉瓦尔品第市的选举现场时,被枪手射中脖子并遭遇炸弹袭击。
- The Challenges from Interior of Arab Islamic Culture 来自阿拉伯伊斯兰文明内部的挑战
- In the political area, Party Islam SeMalaysia that targeted the establishment of an Islamic state rapidly grew up in the 1990s and got many Malayan"s support. 在政治领域,以建立伊斯兰教国为目标的伊斯兰教党在90年代开始崛起,吸引了大批马来选民的支持。
- Democratic rights were.fought for bitterly. 为争取民主权利进行了艰苦的斗争。
- Bin Laden has schemed with the heads of the Central and West Asian terrorist organizations many times to help the "East Turkistan" terrorist forces in Xinjiang launch a "holy war", with the aim of setting up a theocratic "Islam state" in Xinjiang. 本·拉登曾与中亚、西亚的恐怖组织头目多次密谋,要帮助“东突”恐怖势力在新疆进行“圣战”,要把中国新疆建成一个标准的“伊斯兰”政教合一的国家。
- Many Asians work in the Arab oil states. 许多亚洲人在阿拉伯产油国工作。