- To achieve unity between the material and the spiritual, democracy and rule of law, fairness and efficiency, and vitality and order. 实现物质和精神、民主和法治、公平和效率、活力和秩序的有机统一。
- The British government believes that the interests of the United Kingdom are best served in an international society that is based on good governance, democracy and rule of law. 英国政府相信,基于良治、民主和法治的国际社会能够最好的服务英国的利益。
- China stands for stronger multilateralism, greater democracy and rule of law in international relations, and the establishment of a fair and rational international order. 中国主张,应推进多边主义,促进国际关系民主化和法制化,推动建立公正合理的国际秩序。
- impoving democracy and rule of law 民主法治建设
- Further Carrying out Activities on Creating Demonstrative Villages of Democracy and Rule of Law to Promote Political Constructions in the Rural Area 深入开展民主法治示范村创建活动积极推进农村政治文明建设
- democracy and rule of law 民主法治
- Yet the best cure for this lies not in reducing democracy and freedom but in boosting the rule of law and discipline. 治本之道,不是减少民主与自由,而是增加法治与纪律。
- The chaos in Taiwan shows that,once the rule of law becomes faulty,democracy and freedom will lead to disasters. 台湾社会的乱象正说明,当法治不健全时,民主与自由立即产生了可怕的后遗症。
- Keywords stability and chaos;historical cyclicity;dominating forces;cause of chaos;strategy of ruling;deficiency of dictatorship;democracy and rule of law;historical mission; 治乱兴衰;历史周期率;主宰力量;动乱之因;治国方略;专制弊端;民主与法治;历史使命;
- The chaos in Taiwan shows that, once the rule of law becomes faulty, democracy and freedom will lead to disasters. 台湾社会的乱象正说明,当法治不健全时,民主与自由立即产生了可怕的后遗症。
- It is the duty of a government founded on democracy and the rule of law to punish criminals. Anyone who breaks the law must face the consequences. 严刑峻法惩罚罪犯是法治民主国家政府的天职,任何罪犯都必须面对法律制裁。
- On a foundation of national stability,unity,democracy and the rule of law,we have given socialist modernization the highest priority in our work. 在全国实现安定团结、民主法制的基础上,我们把进行社会主义现代化建设放在一切工作的首位。
- By imitating and repelling America at the same time, Russia tries to ward off a hostile value system that includes democracy and the rule of law. 通过模仿并同时排斥美国,俄罗斯试图抵挡一个包括民主和法治的敌对价值观。
- Dale says, despite their fundamental problems, the Americans and the Europeans share basic values of the rule of law, democracy and freedom. 戴尔说,虽然美欧关系存在一些根本性问题,但是双方都信奉法治、民主和自由的基本价值观。
- The economist concludes that education, the rule of law, democracy and other forms of social cooperation offer greater protection from fast-moving global markets than regulation. 他总结说,在快速变化的世界市场中,教育、法制、民主和其它形式的社会合作比监管更能提供有效的保护。
- On the contrary, unintegrated democracy, freedom, human rights and rule of law may cause all kinds of turbulent phenomena or even infringe national people's human rights. 反而言之,不融合的民主、自由、人权、法制,必然会造成社会各种动荡不安的现象,这样就容易致使国民的人权遭侵害。
- Abiding the Requirement of Environmental Law and rule of Country. 遵守国家环境法律、法规要求。
- We will spare no effort to promote democracy and strengthen the rule of law,as well as respect for all internationally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms,including the right to development. 我们将不遗余力,促进民主和加强法治,并尊重一切国际公认的人权和基本自由,包括发展权。
- The new curriculum criterion pointed out that “It’s an endless and difficult historical process to grow from autarchy to democracy and change the rule of man into the rule of law. 课程标准在必修部分提出,理解“从专制到民主、从人治到法治是人类社会一个漫长而艰难的历史过程,确立为民主法制建设而奋斗的人生理想”的教学要求。
- The Rule of Law and Policy of Wind Power in U.S.A. 美国风力发电法规和政策。