- deltoid tubercies [医] 三角肌粗隆
- Construct the deltoid and its evolute. 建构三角线及其渐屈线。
- The deltoid muscle is small in infants and young children. 婴儿和幼儿的三角肌很
- Given a triangle, construct the deltoid tangent to its sides. 给定三角形,作三角线与其三边相切。
- Construct the deltoid as the envelope of a family of lines. 作由线族包络线所形成的三角线.
- Construct an animation displaying the deltoid sliding inside a fixed nephroid. 建构一动态绘图:展示三角线沿著一固定的肾脏线内部滑动。
- Construct the part of the tangent of the deltoid intercepted by the curve. 三角星形线的两条互相垂直的切线的交点在哪里?
- Construct an animation of two mutually perpendicular tangents of the deltoid. 建构一动态绘图:展示三角线的两互相垂直的切线。
- Objective:To dissiminate the method of treatment of deltoid muscle Paralysis. 目的:探讨背阔肌肌皮瓣移位重建肩外展功能的临床效果。
- Show how a deltoid of maximal size slides inside a stationary astroid. 在固定不动的星状线内,有一个最大的三角线在其间滚动。
- No medial fixation was used in the patients with a deltoid ligament injury. 三角韧带损伤的患者未予以内侧固定。
- Sepals deltoid, often with midrib and median basal callus, persistent in fruit. 萼片正三角形,通常具和中间基部胼胝体,在果其宿存。
- Stigmas 2, equal or unequal, oblong to deltoid, undivided or 2-lobed. 柱头2,等长或不等长,长圆形与,2裂的不裂或。
- Expose the medial malleolus by reflecting the periosteum but preserve the deltoid ligament. 剥离、牵开骨膜,显露内踝,但保留三角韧带。
- When he reached for the teapot, a stab of pain shot through the deltoid in his right arm. 他伸手取茶壶时,右肩的三角肌突然钻心般地疼了一下。
- Furthermore, the acromioclavicular joint is additionally stabilized by the trapezius and deltoid muscles. 此外,肩锁关节又被斜方肌和三角肌固定。
- Construct rotating cardioid and deltoid while remaining orthogonal to each other. 作旋转的心脏线和旋转的三角线,且彼此维持正交。
- Results:There is a inter nerve plane among deltoid,infraspinatus and teres minor. 结果:三角肌和冈下肌与小圆肌之间存在神经界面。
- Construct an animation of the deltoid sliding on two mutually perpendicular lines. 建构一动态绘图:展示三角线沿著互相垂直的两轴滚动。
- Elbow tucked in close to body to avoid irritation of the rotator and deltoid muscles. 手肘在结束方面打横褶到身体避免回转的人和三角肌的刺激。