- delivery room care 产房护理
- A lady has just gone to the delivery room. 方才有位太太进接生间去了。
- Is It Safer to Intubate Premature Infants in the Delivery Room? 在分娩室内对早产婴儿行气管插管是否更加安全?
- This activity takes place in August,and in September the den becomes the delivery room and nursery for the cub. 这是其8月份要做的;而在9月份,这个窝就成了产房和育儿室了。
- Sarem hospital in Tehran was the first in Iran to allow a father inside a delivery room for the birth of his child. 德黑兰的萨瑞姆医院是伊朗首间同意父亲在妻子生产时进入产房的医院。
- This activity takes place in August, and in September the den becomes the delivery room and nursery for the cub. 这是其8月份要做的; 而在9月份,这个窝就成了产房和育儿室了。
- RESULTS The Staphylococcus aureus was found in the delivery rooms. 结果产房环境中检出金黄色葡萄球菌。
- DELIVERY VAPOURISING BLEND 3 drops Bergamot 2 drops Lavender 1 drop Clary Sage Vapourise in electric oil burner in delivery room. 分娩时可用的精油3滴佛手柑2滴熏衣草1滴快乐鼠尾草在产房里点个电油灯,让其慢慢挥发。
- The Baby was sent to the nursery for Bathing. The mother was observed in the delivery room for one hour and sent to the ward by stretcher afterward. 婴儿送至婴儿室去洗澡,母亲留观一小时用平车送回病房。
- Everything we have prepared in your room care you feel at home. You can use telephone line to net work,make your business more efficency. 在这里,我们为您准备好所有需要的物品、就如您回到了家里。您可以用宽带上网,使工作更具效率。
- Now dads, they go to all the appointments with their wives, prenatally, all the doctor checkups.They're in the delivery room when the baby is born. 如今的父亲们,陪伴着产前的妻子去作所有的健康检查,孩子出生时他们就在产房。
- Unless you have already accustomed her to a whelping box, she may choose your closet or another place you may find inappropriate for a delivery room. 否则,它很可能选择一个不易寻找、很隐蔽的地方作为分娩的场所。
- Conclusion: It is important to enhance the monitoring and control of bac-terium in the delivery room for the prevention of delivering infection. 结论:加强产房的细菌监测与控制有助于预防产时感染,应予以重视。
- Besides the requirement to delivery room, cloth orchid Ni more requirement, be about to see the rose of white and yellow into delivery room. 除了对产房的要求外,布兰妮更要求,一进产房就要看到白色和黄色的玫瑰。
- Where many women present for the first time while in labor, studies concluded that a rapid test in the delivery room could increase VCT coverage and uptake significantly. 研究显示,很多妇女在首次分娩时,在产房中进行的快速检测能够显著提高VCT服务的覆盖面和利用率。
- Treetop delivery rooms are unusual for humans but not for other primate species. 在树上生产对人类并不寻常,但是其他的灵长类就稀松平常了。
- WTH X C ASE REPORTAt first birth process, the midwife accompanied the lying-i n woman shifted to the delivery room and told her the ease pain and how to c ontr ol the labor step at the labor. [病例报告 ]在第一产程 ,产妇转入产室后由助产士陪伴 ,告知产妇分娩时的镇痛及应急措施 ;
- OBJECTIVE To know about the pollution status of the bacteria in the delivery rooms in use. 目的了解医院产房在使用中环境细菌污染情况,降低医院感染机会。
- Last-minute Baby Drama For Spears 30 June 2008 6:30 PM, PDT New mum Jamie Lynn Spears was in danger of losing her baby and her life in the delivery room, according to a shocking new tabloid report. 布兰妮的最后一分钟的婴儿闹剧 2008年6月30日下午6点30分, PDT时间 新妈妈杰米林恩布兰妮是在差点失去她的宝宝和她的生命中的分娩室里,根据一个令人震惊的最新小报的报告。
- Latter, one hospital of Guangdong introduces a kind of magical gas, rolled out painless labor service, the person that lets prepare to do mom is OK easy a person's mind enters delivery room. 近来,广东一医院引入一种神奇的气体,推出了无痛分娩服务,让准备做妈妈的人可以舒心地进产房了。