- A postman is a man employed to deliver letters. 邮递员就是被雇用来投递信件的人。
- The duty of a postman is to deliver letters and parcels. 送信和邮包是邮递员份内的事。
- A postman is a man employed to deliver letters and parcels. 邮差就是雇用来投递信件和包裹的人。
- Every day, mailmen deliver letters and parcels to homes. 邮递员每天将信和包裹投到家里。
- A postman is a man employed to deliver letters and parcels . 邮差就是雇用来投递信件和包裹的人。
- The work of the postman is to deliver letter. 邮递员的工作就是投送邮件。
- The duties of a postman are to deliver letters and newspapers. 邮递员的工作是送信送报纸。
- The mailman is delivering letters. 邮差在发信。
- A postman is a man who delivers letters and parcels. 邮递员就是递送信件及包裹的人。
- The mailman delivers letters and parcels every morning. 邮差每天早晨递送信件和包裹。
- Since nothing we learn about Chinaski suggests that he could ever have done anything more than deliver letters,and that isn't exactly the world's worst job,our withers remain un-wrung. 因为我们一无所知,所以奇纳斯暗示他过去除了送信以外做得最多的工作是包罗万象。送信并非是世界上最坏的工作,我们一直无此感觉。
- The country plans to deliver letters of apology to the two surviving members of the group and relatives of the deceased members for cancelling the concert back in the group's heyday. 以国计划针对该合唱团声势如日中天之际取消那场演唱会,向该团两位仍在世团员,以及两位已故团员的家属致送道歉函。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。
- is a man employed to deliver letters and parcels. 邮差就是雇用来投递信件和包裹的人。
- His letter irritated me a little. 他的信使我有点恼怒。
- He was asked to deliver an oration at the meeting. 他被邀请在会议上发表演说。
- THE romantic image of the trusty postman, delivering letters to the farthest-flung corners of the land, makes the reform of postal services a sensitive subject. 译文:值得信赖的邮递员给人的印象是动人的:他们总能千里迢迢把信件送到无论多么偏僻的地方。
- Can you deliver a large package of books? 你能把一大包书寄出去吗?
- The postman delivers letters. 邮递员投递信件。