- Has confessed own delinquent account. 供认了自己的犯罪事实。
- The finance department will juggle a few of the delinquent accounts. 财务部会篡改一些拖欠账户。
- Yesterday, Wu and so on 3 person of delinquent accounts confessed fully. 昨日,吴某等3人犯罪事实供认不讳。
- What are your procedures for follow-up and collection of delinquent accounts? 对于跟踪和收取逾期帐款是采取何种处理程序的?
- After interrogated them to transfer the complete delinquent account. 经审问他们全都交待了全部犯罪事实。
- After the interrogation, the suspect confessed fully to the delinquent account. 经审讯,犯罪嫌疑人对犯罪事实供认不讳。
- A delinquent account. 一笔拖欠的款项
- Keeping club payments to RI current and avoiding delinquent accounts helps ensure the financial health of the district. 保持扶轮社付款给国际扶轮的通畅并避免帐目的拖欠以协助确保地区财务的健全。
- Kong diverts the company large amount fund to it the delinquent account to confess fully. 孔某对其挪用公司巨额资金的犯罪事实供认不讳。
- In the interrogation, Fu, Liu regarding rapes Sun Jie the delinquent account to confess fully. 在审讯中,傅某、刘某对于强奸孙洁的犯罪事实供认不讳。
- After the interrogation, the crime suspicion person some confessed fully to its delinquent account. 经审讯,犯罪嫌疑人丁某对其犯罪事实供认不讳。
- After the interrogation, Sun, Chen Mou confessed fully to the delinquent account. 经审讯,孙某、陈某对犯罪事实供认不讳。
- The police interrogates at the same night, three people acknowledged very quickly the violence robs taxi driver's delinquent account. 民警连夜审讯,三人很快承认了暴力抢劫出租车司机的犯罪事实。
- Interrogates at the same night after the police, three suspect Yi, Shi and Xia to ties the partner to steal 123000 HK dollar delinquent accounts separately to confess fully. 经民警连夜审讯,三名犯罪嫌疑人易某、史某和夏某分别对结伙盗窃123000港元的犯罪事实供认不讳。
- In front of the criminal police, 5 suspects have confessed for the past one month, with other two partners, robs the delinquent account which in the urban district are many. 在刑警面前,5名犯罪嫌疑人交代了近一个月以来,和另外两个同伙,在市区抢劫多起的犯罪事实。
- After the examination, male youth Pang and Geng had confessed is positive in the city, places such as Jimo extort the supermarket many times the delinquent account. 经审查,男青年庞某和耿某交代了在城阳、即墨等地多次敲诈勒索超市的犯罪事实。
- In the judicial practice, about confirm the crime off alsely accuses frames, usually thought fabricating the fact must be the delinquent account, the violation object also only is individual. 在司法实践中,对于诬告陷害罪的认定,通常认为捏造的事实必须是犯罪事实,侵害的对象也仅限于个人。
- An example of a recordset based on a stored procedure (sometimes called a predefined query) is "all of the delinquent accounts," which invokes a stored procedure in the back-end database. 基于存储过程(有时称为预定义查询)的记录集示例是“所有过期的帐户”,它调用后端数据库中的存储过程。
- After Wang, Zhang happening, can appear before court automatically, declared in a confession truthfully its delinquent account, is surrenders, may legally leniently or the mitigated punishment. 王某、张某案发后能自动投案,如实供述其犯罪事实,系自首,可依法从轻或减轻处罚。