- Beautiful pictures delight the eye. 美丽的图画给人以赏心悦目之感觉。
- Kid Republic also offers "mom-and-me" fashion, matching outfits for mothers and daughters in pretty patterns, prints and details that delight the eye. 儿童共和国还提供了“妈妈和我”的方式,配套母亲和漂亮的图案,打印和细节女儿衣服的喜悦的目光。
- A sparkleof merriment or delight in the eye. 眼睛中高兴或兴奋的光。
- A sparkle of merriment or delight in the eye. 眼睛中高兴或兴奋的光
- The eyes redeem the face from ugliness. 这双眼睛弥补了他其貌不扬之缺陷。
- The man hit him sock in the eye. 那个男人一拳正好打在他的眼睛上。
- He nearly poked me in the eye with his stick. 他的竿子几乎扎着我的眼睛。
- It hurts the eyes to read in such poor light. 在这样暗的光线下看书对眼睛有害。
- In the eyes of my parents, I'm forever a child. 在我父母的心目中,我永远是个孩子。
- Puffiness round the eyes is a sign of poor health. 眼圈浮肿是不健康的样子。
- He delighted the audience with his performance. 他用他的表演使观众喜悦。
- The bullet hit him plumb between the eyes. 子弹正好打在他的双眼之间。
- The desert continued as far as the eye could see. 沙漠一直伸展到视线的尽头。
- The chased silver escaped the eyes of the thieves. 雕花银器逃过了窃贼的眼睛。
- He once did me such an unscrupulous shot in the eye. 他曾经如此肆无忌惮地恶意中伤过我。
- The changing vivid colours of the sunset fascinated the eye. 日落时变化多端的色彩使人看得入迷。
- Pastel colours are restful to the eye. 清淡柔和的颜色可以养目。
- She passed a thread through the eye of her needle. 她将线穿过她的针眼。
- And out of the earth the Lord made every tree to come, delighting the eye and good for food;and in the middle of the garden, the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 耶和华神使各样的树从地里长出来、可以悦人的眼目、其上的果子好作食物.园子当中又有生命树、和分别善恶的树。
- That dirty old house is an offense to the eye. 那幢肮脏的旧房子令人看了很不舒服。