- He is from north China, and she is from south. 他来自中国北方,而她则来自南方。
- Which do you prefer, food from north China or south China? 你更喜欢哪一个,中国的北方食物还是南方食物?
- From North China Literary Group in Mudanjiang, like to play flute and gym. 来自牡丹江北方文工团,擅长长笛演奏,爱好体育。
- She came all the way from North China to South China to see her parents. 她从中国北方一路跑到南方来看她父母亲。
- Compared with the japonica hybrids from south China,those from north China showed a lower average value of CGP and CD. 在地域上,北方稻区杂交粳稻的垩白粒率、垩白度的平均值低于南方稻区杂交粳稻。
- Unified guidelines,policies and plans,plus help from north China,will solve the problem. 有了统一的方针、政策和计划,再加上华北的帮助,问题就可以解决。
- Here, running from north to south are the Northeast Plain, the North China Plain and the Middle-lower Yangtze Plain. 这一级上从南到北分布着东北平原、华北平原、长江中下游平原。
- Unified guidelines, policies and plans, plus help from north China, will solve the problem. 有了统一的方针、政策和计划,再加上华北的帮助,问题就可以解决。
- Passengers from north China to Shenzhen will firstly take off their overdressed clothes. 例38、从北方来到深圳的旅客,下飞机后第一件事情就是脱掉过多的过厚的衣服。
- WuDi Wang hails from Hebei originally, stepping out from North China to study Graphic Design at Shanghai Donghua University, and Film + Video at the Bauhaus University in Weimar. 2000年毕业于上海东华大学视觉传达专业,同年考入德国魏玛包豪斯大学学习影像艺术。
- Sheng M-L, Sun S-P. The Genus Dolichomitus Smith(Hymenoptera: Iehneurnonidae) from North China[J]. Linzer Biol. Beitr, 2002, 34(1):211-219. 盛茂领,孙素平,裴海潮,等.膜翅目:姬蜂科.河南昆虫分类区系研究4:伏牛山南坡及大别山区昆虫[M].北京:中国农业科技出版社,2000.373-379
- The thesis also inquiries the diffusion process of this exotic art style from north China to south and their sinicization. 并进一步结合相关考古资料分析了这种外来艺术风格在中国由北至南的传播过程和不断中国化的问题。
- On such a basis, the shape and depth of the magnetic body below the Junggar basin were modeled by using the magnetization intensity of Archeozoic rocks from North China. 利用小波变换技术对航磁异常进行了分离 ,并在此基础上利用华北地台太古代陆壳的磁化强度值模拟了位于地壳深部的古老结晶基底的形态与产状。
- Spiders are net wrapped delicacies from the bug. 蜘蛛去吃被网缠住的飞虫。
- Originating from North China, the Hakkas migrated to their current homelands scattered throughout the southern provinces. 客家人原本来自中国北部,后来移居到中国南部的省份。
- And you come from North Dakota! I want to know. 原来你是北达科他州来的!真想不到!
- Cr2 is about 500 km,sinlilar to the results from North China,but curv CiT is somewhat higher than the value from North China. Cr2为500km,和华北地区的结果接近; Ci-T曲线高于华北地区值;
- The genetic parameters of agronomic characters were estimated from random samples of local variety population of Adzuki bean from North China. 对我国北方小豆地方品种资源群体中随机样本的农艺性状遗传参数进行了估计。
- The big market provides live fish,game and famous delicacies from all parts of China. 这个大市场供应来自全国各地的活鱼、野味和名贵食品。
- Finally, all those delicacies from mountain and sea began to nauseate me. 那些山珍海味吃到最后,简直令人翻胃。