- delayed menstrual cycle due to blood stasis 血瘀经行后期
- delayed menstrual cycle due to deficiency of blood 血虚月经后期
- delayed menstrual cycle due to the depressed vital energy 气郁经行后期
- Discussion on Mind Easing and Menstruation Normalizing Acupuncture Therapy in Treating Delayed Menstrual Cycle 安神调经针法治疗月经后期探析
- delayed menstrual cycle 经迟
- D: How about your menstrual cycle? 你的月经周期怎样?
- The average length of a woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days. 妇女的平均月经周期是28天。
- Did you ever correlate the episodes with your menstrual cycle? 你有没有把发作联系到月经周期呢?
- You can estimate your ovulation cycle, the menstrual cycle. 你可以自己测算排卵周期,即月经周期。
- Do the menstrual cycle and the ovulation gradually calculate? 月经周期及排卵日推算?
- This increase is physiologic with a normal menstrual cycle. 这是伴随正常月经周期的生理性增生。
- Older women were more likely to prepare more than one egg per menstrual cycle. 在每次月经周期中,大龄女性可能预备了更多的卵子。
- Infertile women with normal menstrual cycle were selected as control group C. 月经周期正常妇女27例设为C组。
- Pituitary-ovary-endometrium changes relationship in menstrual cycle. 月经周期中垂体-卵巢-子宫内膜变化间的关系。
- Are your menstrual cycles regular? 您的月经周期规则吗?
- Menses returned to normal volume till the second or third menstrual cycle. 治疗后第2或第3次月经周期恢复正常,月经量亦恢复正常。
- Sexual contact with a partner at least once a week led to more fertile, regular menstrual cycles, shorter menses, delayed menopause, increased estrogen levels, and delayed aging. 和伴侣一个星期最少一次性接触导致更强的生育能力、稳定的月经期、更短的月经、延迟绝经期、提高雌性激素水平、推延老化。
- The Doctor's Dilemma: Sin, Salvation, and the Menstrual Cycle in Medieval Thought. 医生困境:中世纪思想中的罪孽、救赎和月经周期。
- Different Brain Activation Patterns to Pain and Pain-related Unpleasantness during the Menstrual Cycle. 月经期疼痛和疼痛相关的不适对脑区激活的不同模式。
- The length of the menstrual cycle and periods may vary; flow may lessen or increase. 月经周期和持续时间因人而异,经血流量可能减少或增加。