- The furniture is made of plywood covered in teak veneer. 这家具是用贴柚木薄片的合板做成的。
- That piece of plywood will just fit the bill. 那块胶合板正符合要求。
- delamination of plywood 胶合板开胶
- Main cement, a kind of plywood and blockboard. 主营水泥、细木工板及名种胶合板。
- The use of plywood should be limited only to its sub-material. 胶合板因为是低档材料所以是被限制使用的。
- Now the company started production of plywood rackets. 现在公司开始生产球拍胶合板。
- The table is made of plywood covered in teak veneer. 这张桌子是以镶以柚木饰面薄板的合板制成的。
- This cupboard is made of plywood, so it is not solid. 这个柜子是用胶合板做的,不太结实。
- At fractographic analysis, specimens with fiber posts demonstrated delamination of the veneer ceramic from intact zirconia under structure. 断面形态显示,纤维桩修复组样本破坏表现为饰瓷从氧化锆内冠表面分离,氧化锆内冠无破坏。
- We used embedding medium to cover lipid of pumpkin seed,emulsifier and stabilizer to settle delamination of pumpkin seed serum,the effect of powder was fairly good. 采用包埋剂包裹瓜子仁中的油脂,乳化剂、稳定剂解决瓜子浆中蛋白质和脂肪的分层问题,获得了理想的成粉效果。
- Focuses will be full analysis of CPMS, thorough delamination of the system by illustration of implementation of realize right management, bill management and mission management. 然后以实现票据管理系统中的票据管理和任务管理为例详细描述了系统的各个层次的功能,分别是视图层、控制层和模型层。 票据管理和任务管理的界面处理主要放在了视图层,主要采用JSP技术开发;
- The corelation of microcrack propagation in the delamination of the composites to cleavage step and river pattern is explored in the final part of this paper. 最后,对复合材料层合板层间微裂纹的扩展与解理台阶和河流状花样所呈方向之间的关系进行了探讨。
- Conclusion Enoxacin cream is that was make by optimum base very much steady,Through storage observation,no find emulsion breaking,delamination of within term of validity. 结论最优基质所制得的依诺沙星乳膏很稳定,通过留样观察在有效期内未发现破乳、分层现象。
- The interlaminar transverse shear stresses are the main factor, which leads to the delamination of laminated plate in the lower free vibration frequencies. 在低阶模态振动下,横向剪应力是造成层合板脱层的主要原因;
- There is no heat for the subfreezing temperatures, and the bunks are planks of plywood attached to metal scaffolding. 他们睡在木板搭成的高低铺上,虽然北京的冬夜气温已经在零度以下,但他们的工棚当然不会有暖气。
- We can predict the elastic property of plywood when we know kinds of trees,veneer thickness and layers. 只要给出树种、单板厚度和层数即可预制胶合板的弹性特性。
- Flame retardant loading of veneers directly affects fire resistant properties of plywood. 摘要单板中阻燃剂载药量的多少直接影响着阻燃胶合板的阻燃性能。
- Used for all kinds of milk products,drinks、ice cream、latex and serosity, etc.It can take effect of preventing or reducing the delamination of the latex and improve the apperance and taste. 用于各种奶制品,饮料、冰淇淋、乳化胶剂、浆液等,能起到防止或减少料液分层,改善物料外观和口感的作用。
- The mechanism of delamination of a kind of pipeline steel and its effect on fracture were analyzed from fracture experiments and a fractographic investigation was made at fracture surface. 对不同厚度油气输送管线钢进行各种裂纹的断裂试验,对各裂纹的断口进行了分析,探讨了分层机理及其对不同形式裂纹体承载能力的影响。
- This article on next gated the production technology of plywood with formaldehyde, absorptive, reagent. 本论文进行了甲醛 消纳剂的胶合板工艺优化研究。