- degenerate Anderson model 退化安德孙模型
- In this thesis we present the application of correlation dynamics in the study of Anderson model. 本论文的主要工作是利用关联动力学方法对单杂质安德森模型的动力学行为进行系统的研究。
- Under the BCS mechanism, we use Anderson model to explain CeCu2Si2 supereon-ductiv critical temperature change with pressure in low pressure range. 在BCS机制下,采用Anderson模型,在低压区域内,我们解释了CeCu_2Si_2的超导临界温度随压力变化的实验结果。
- Using a method to combine functional integral with the coherent potential approximation, we studied the electronic structure and the spin fluctuation of the periodic Anderson model in the paramagnetic state. 采用泛函积分与相干势近似相结合的方法 ;对周期性安德森模型在顺磁相的电子结构和自旋涨落性质进行研究 .
- Anderson Model and Kondo Problem 安德森模型与近藤问题
- The attempt to elevate Anderson to the presidency. 企图把安德逊抬上总统宝座。
- The Electronic Structure and Spin Fluctuation of the Periodic Anderson Model 周期性安德森模型的电子结构与自旋涨落性质
- This degenerate seduced my daughter! 这个道德败坏的人勾引我的女儿!
- It was Anderson who coined the word. 是安德生造了这个字。
- Application of the Correlation Dynamics to the Single Impurity Anderson Model 单杂质安德森模型的关联动力学研究
- Standing by him was a model worker. 站在他旁的是一位劳动模范。
- I think I can get that special model for you. 我想我可以为你找到那种特别的型号。
- He didn't let riches and luxury make him degenerate. 他不因财富和奢华而自甘堕落。
- She has been held up as a model worker. 她被推举为模范工作者。
- I'd like you to meet Mr. Anderson, CEO of the company. 我想让你结识公司首席执行官安德森先生。
- He showed us a model of the new office building. 他给我们看了新办公楼的模型。
- He taught Tom how to make a model airplane. 他教汤姆作模型飞机的方法。
- John is repairing his model plane at his leisure. 约翰不慌不忙地修理着他的航模。
- The old sailor chipped out a tiny model boat. 那名老水手一点儿一点儿地削出一个小船模型。