- deficiency of cultural value 文化价值缺失
- At present, under the attack of cultural hegemonism, we are faced with some serious problems of cultural security, such as our ideology facing challenges, our cultural value being threatened and our cultural market being in disorder. 在文化霸权主义的侵袭下,我国面临着严峻的文化安全问题,主要表现为:意识形态面临挑战、文化价值观受到威胁、文化市场混乱。
- The deficiency of this plan is very clear and it can't possibly succeed. 这项计划的缺陷是很明显的,它不可能成功。
- According to above analysis, faultiness of tourist cost pedigree, tourist experience has been ignored and tap weakness of culture value are the ultimate reasons. 结论是旅游消费谱系不完善、游客体验受到忽视以及文化价值开发薄弱是根本原因。
- He added many toys were smuggled into Iran and accused importers of concentrating on profits at the expense of cultural values. 他说,很多玩具都是通过走私进入伊朗的,并谴责这些商人为了赚取利益不惜牺牲本国传统文化价值观。
- A deficiency of Vitamin ??results in rickets. 缺乏维生素?业贾仑?偻
- However the existence of numerous cultural abnormalities and conflicts of cultural values in our society inhibits the building of a harmonious society. 然而,当前我国社会生活中存在诸多阻滞和谐社会建设的文化失范现象及文化价值冲突。
- A loss is a deficiency of some sort. 损失是一种差额或不足。
- WANG Zeng- qi forms a mental ideal in w hich the meaning of life based on Chin ese traditional culture and harmonious concept of cultural valu e, harmonizes with cultural selecti on. 汪曾祺在中国传统思想文化的影响下,在中和、谐的文化价值观基础上形成了一个生命意义与文化选择相契的心灵境界。
- They may be exacerbated by a simultaneous deficiency of calcium. 由于同时缺乏钙而使之恶化。
- But he devotes most of his comments on the father to son letters which he sees as the transmission of cultural values in which the relationship between family members,extended family and friends are strenuously upheld. 但他对父亲写给儿子的信给予最多评语,认为它们是文化价值观的传承,极力强调家庭成员、亲戚朋友之间的感情。
- Many poor children suffer from a deficiency of food. 许多贫穷的小孩遭受食物不足的苦痛。
- "Style"not only means the formal characteristics of art,but also implies the aesthetically mental structures, the spirit of the times and the social orientadon of cultural values to a certain degree. “文体”不仅意指艺术的形式特征,而且隐含着一定的审美心理结构、时代精神和社会的文化价值取向。
- A deficiency of mineral is unlikely to be immediately apparent. 矿物质缺乏症状未必会马上出现。
- But he devotes most of his comments on the father to son letters which he sees as the transmission of cultural values in which the relationship between family members, extended family and friends are strenuously upheld. 但他对父亲写给儿子的信给予最多评语,认为它们是文化价值观的传承,极力强调家庭成员、亲戚朋友之间的感情。
- The value of culture is its effect on character. 文化的价值在于它对人类品性的影响。
- Behind all its makeup contains a wealth of cultural values of which the sense of filial obedience, the seuse of the soul, the sense of hierarchy and the sense of harmony are outstandingly stressed. 在林林总总的丧葬礼仪形式的背后,蕴含着丰富的文化价值观念。中国传统丧葬礼仪中最核心的文化价值观念有四个,即孝的观念、灵魂的观念、等级的观念和和的观念。
- Some raw fish can cause a deficiency of the vitamin thiamine. 有些生鱼会导致维生素B1的缺乏。
- The four pillars of GNH are the promotion of sustainable development, preservation and promotion of cultural values, conservation of the natural environment, and establishment of good governance. GNH的四大支柱是可持续发展、文化传统扬弃、自然环境保护以及管理良好的政府。
- There appear two layers of signifier-signified relationships from the signifier of the advertising text to the superficial elements of cultural values and then to cultural values in depth. 从广告文本表面能指到表层文化价值元素再到深层文化价值观,经历了两层能指所指关系。表层文化价值元素呈现多元化的特征。