- defective product label 不良标签
- Why did HP make this defective product? 为什么hp生产出这个有缺陷的产品?
- The net weight of each bag is 5 kg,attached with product label. 每袋净重5公斤,外贴产品标识。
- The firm had received bad publicity over a defective product. 该公司因为一件次品而受到媒体攻击。
- This is a defective product, that's why it's on sale. 这是一件疵品,可以便宜出售。
- Whenever tartrazine is added to foods, it is listed on the product label. 每当使用这种柠檬黄添加到食品,就要在其产品标签上标明。
- We promise to change the defective products. 我们保换质量不合格的产品。
- Also appearing on the product label is a product number (PN) and product ID (PID). 另外,产品标签上还显示产品ID(PID)。
- She sent Back the defected product. 她退回有缺陷的产品。
- Love the product label affixed to H?agen Dazs has become an intelligence people's feelings and love Token witnesses. 将产品贴上爱情标签;使哈根达斯俨然成为情人们的爱情信物和感情见证人.
- Minimize waste and defective products, as well as costs. 消灭废次品,控制成本。
- A defective product, or anything that doesn't work very well; something which breaks constantly, particularly a car. 一件有缺陷的产品,或是任何无法很好使用的东西;一些经常坏的东西,尤其指车。
- Please remember that observing the Microsoft hologram and product label cannot conclusively determine whether a product is genuine. 请注意:看到Microsoft全息图像和产品标签,并不能完全断定产品是否为正版产品。
- Lawspirit' sole liability and your exclusive remedy for such defective Product media will be to replace the defective media free of charge. 对于该缺陷产品媒体,Lawspirit的唯一责任以及您的全部补救是免费更换缺陷媒体。
- With the company's website clearly printed on the product label I knew exactly where to go to alleviate my macaroon craving. 这个曲奇公司的网站上很明确地印有每种产品的标签,所以我很轻松地就能买到我想要的饼干 。
- Another theory or basis of liability for injury by a defective product is referred to as "strict liability in tort". 另一种缺陷产品致害责任的基础理论称为严格侵权责任理论。
- The agency made the decision after reviewing a response from AstraZeneca and also repeated the intention to revise the product label. 该机构在收到阿斯利康的反馈之后,同样表达了要求修订产品标签的意向。
- At its option Shure will repair or replace the defective product and promptly return it to you. 若发现有瑕疵产品,舒尔公司将在酌情予以修理或更换之后迅速送还给您。
- "Defective product is equivalent to scrap", "fine" and "high standard" for quality control purposes. 以“有缺陷的产品就等于废品”、“精细化”、“高标准”为质量管理宗旨。
- The product label with windstorm picture the earliest news comes times of its individual software, the blue film design of hand draw begins to affect Internet user from 2003. 暴风影音最早的产品标识来其个人软件时代,手绘的蓝色胶片图案从2003年就开始影响互联网用户。