- Being defeated one fails to rouse 颓丧不振
- No one plan to fail,but every one fail to plan . 不管方式如何,我们都要把握住生活的态度。
- No one can fail to be struck with her charm. 人人都被她的魅力所吸引。
- The demagogue's speech failed to rouse his audience. 这位蛊惑人心者的演说未能煽动听众。
- If one fails to address the ancestral trauma that is related, then the associated pattern also cannot release in full. 如果一个人未能处理相关的祖先创伤的话,那么相关的模式也无法得到完全解除。
- If one fails to learn all of the lessons of ascension, and one skips steps, incomplete ascension results. 如果一个人没有学到所有手头的课程,或者跳过了一些步骤,结果是不完全提升。
- The knocking was loud and long, but it failed to rouse the drowsy inmates. 敲门的声音又响又长,但是敲不醒里面睡熟了的人们。
- If one fails to complete all the way to the physical, one only creates more karma on the other end extending the dance another cycle. 如果一个人不能完成肉体面临的所有方式,他只会在另一方面创造出更多的业力,在另一周期中延伸舞蹈。
- One should refect on oneself whenever one fails to get the expected results.If a ruler behaves correctly, all the people will pay allegiance to him. 任何行为如果没有得到预期的效果都要反躬自责,自己的确端正了,天下人便会归向他。”
- Therefore if one is not embodying the Language of Light, one fails to have the necessary tools to manifest or dream weave into the future. 因此如果你不能包含入光之语,你就没有必须的工具去显化和编织梦想入未来。
- It was a marvelous night with a tempest to rouse the gods. 真是个美妙的夜晚,暴风雨惊天动地。
- English: Confucius said:"If one fails to find moderate character man, he should look for the undisciplined and the over-scrupulous. 孔子说:“找不到合乎中庸之道的人,那也得找到志高狂放或拘谨保守的人。
- When one fails to gain respect from others while treating others with the proper courtesies, one should reflect on whether one is sincere enough. 以礼待人却得不到别人的尊重,就要反责自己对别人的态度是否真诚。
- To rouse from a quiescent or inactive state; stir. 刺激从平静或不活跃的状态中唤醒;刺激
- Much like the red ray, if one fails to master the magenta ray, one will be hard pressed also to master forgiveness or unity. 就像红色光线,如果你无法掌握洋红光线,你将也难于去掌握宽恕与统一。
- If one fails to win the award,the cash deposit or the letter of guarantee shall be returned to the bedder within one week after the decision on award is declared. 唐: 如果没有中标,那么在开标后的一周内,我们把保证金或保证函退还给投标人。
- The speaker tried to rouse the masses. 报告人试图将群众鼓动起来。
- Of course,nowadays if one fails to repay debts,he wiIl not face the risk of sacrificing one pound of flesh. But even so,credItor banks wiIl not let you go so easily. 当然,现在不还债不会割你的肉,但是那个债权银行对你也不会善罢甘休。
- While announcing his departure, the count fixed his eyes on Morrel, and remarked that the words, "I shall have left this country," had failed to rouse him from his lethargy. 当他说要离开的时候,伯爵看看莫雷尔,他发现“我就要离开这个国家”这几个字并不能把他从麻木状态中唤醒。
- He never fails to write to his mother every week. 他从来没有忘记每周给母亲写信。