- ORDER option The default for ORDER is ON. ORDER选项ORDER的缺省设置为ON。
- The default for TDS connections is OFF. TDS连接的缺省值是OFF。
- default for abnormality 异常性省缺规则,反常性的缺省规则,异常性省缺
- Will allied chat be enabled by default for pre-set teams? 盟友频道是默认的聊天频道嘛?
- This option is enabled by default for a System State backup. 对于系统状态备份,此选项是默认启用的。
- DTD processing is enabled by default for backwards compatibility. 默认情况下,启用DTD处理,以保证向后兼容性。
- The programming language that you choose will be the default for the Web site. 选择的编程语言将成为网站的默认语言。
- The programming language that you select will be the default for the Web site. 您选择的编程语言将成为网站的默认编程语言。
- The programming language you choose will be the default for your Web site. 您选择的编程语言将是网站的默认语言。
- Contains the default for the height of the characters on the screen. 包含屏幕上字符高度的默认值。
- The installation system uses a 2.6 Series kernel by default for PA-RISC. 安装系统在PA-RISC上缺省使用2.;6系列的内核。
- The IGRP default for this variable is three times the update period. IGRP预设此变数为三倍的更新周期。
- Defaults for the options are specified in brackets. 下面方括号里是选项的默认值。
- Have automatic alarm and alarm prompt system for abnormal trouble. 具有异常故障自动报警及报警提示系统。
- Use preferred audio device sets the output device as the default for the system. “使用首选的音响设备”将输出设备设置为系统的默认设备。
- Leave the defaults for the remainder of the settings. 其余设置均采用缺省设置。
- METHODS:After doing cholecystectomy,check operation for abnormality and place medical PVC unicameral drainage-tube in gallbladder bed and foramen of Winslow foramen with the other end led outside of the body and connected with negative pressure bag. 方法:在胆囊切除后,检查手术野无异常后,放置医用 P V C 单腔引流管于胆囊床及小网膜孔处,另端引出体外并连接负压袋。
- A user can click on the image that best represents the desired color setting. This image then becomes the new default for more varied thumbnails. 使用者可以选取最接近于他想要的那个颜色组合,这个图片随即就会变成更多变化缩略图的最新默认。
- This is where you live. KDE will use the defaults for this country or region. 05这是您居住的地方。KDE使用该国家/地区的默认设置。
- Anyone can find the registration of software "ower Shadow", which is very useful for abnormal operation????? 您的等级为游客,目前仅能浏览此帖部分内容,请登录或注册.