- He lost the tennis match by default. 他因不出场而输了网球赛。
- She lost the tennis match by default. 她因不出场而输了这场网球赛。
- I default on the installment payment. 我没有付分期应付的款。
- In default of tools, he uses a knife. 因没有工具,他使用一把刀子。
- A character string or a bit string considered as an entity. 作为一个实体的一组字符串或一组字位串。
- The team lost a game by default. 那个队因没有出席而输掉比赛。
- Let's both try not to default on our commitments. 让我们双方一起努力,不违反自己的承诺。
- The inland part of a political or geographic entity. 内陆一个政治或地理实体的内陆部分
- In default of tools, she used a hairpin and a buttonhook. 因没有工具,她使用一支发针及一钮钩。
- The committee will not meet in default of a chairman. 没有主席委员会就不开会。
- In its default form, this entity contains both a public key and a private key. 该实体的默认格式包含公钥和私钥。
- The whole country is a single entity. 全国一盘棋。
- Since the war Germany has been divided; it is no longer one political entity. 战后德国被一分为二,不再是一个政治统一体。
- He was acquitted in default of strong evidence of his guilt. 因无确凿证据而判他无罪。
- What makes Silicon Valley such a unique entity? 美国硅谷与众不同,究竟秘诀何在呢?
- In default of expert's help, you'll have to rely on yourselves. 没有专家的帮助,你们只好依靠自己了。
- The other team didn't arrive, so our team won by default. 由於对方球队未到,我队以其弃权而获胜。
- A default judgment was issued against the defendant. 被告受到了缺席审判。
- Chalcosis oculi is an uncommon disease entity. 摘要眼球铜质沉积症并不常见。
- Auricular ossification is a rare clinical entity. 临床上,耳壳骨化是罕见的临床症状。