- Having lost her passport, she is now in deep water. 她丢了护照身陷困厄。
- It is easy at first, but we are in deep water now. 起先很容易,但现在我们陷入了困境。
- His frankness often gets him into deep water. 他的直率经常给他带来麻烦。
- It was easy at first, but we're in deep water now. 起先很容易,但现在我们陷入了困境。
- Near shore turbidite fan and typical turbidite rock are deposited on well developed deep lake facies sediments in this area. 本区深湖相沉积十分发育,并在此背景上沉积了近岸浊积扇和典型的浊积岩。
- And, splash! He found himself head over ears in deep water. 接着扑通一声,他发觉自己一个倒栽葱地掉进了深水里。
- The deep water allogenic deposition includes debris flow deposition (calcirudite), turbidite deposition (silty grain limestone) and internal tide deposition (laminated siltstone). 观音桥段的深水异地沉积包括碎屑流沉积(砾屑灰岩)、浊流沉积(粉砂质颗粒灰岩)和内潮汐沉积(纹层状粉砂岩)。
- The Mesoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group in northern Jiangxi appears as a complete turbidite fan. 赣北中元古界双桥山群是一个完整的浊积扇体。
- The whale took a plunge into the deep water. 鲸鱼跳入深水。
- Lake level fluctuations control the development phase of turbidite fan through controlling sediment supply. 湖平面变化控制了沉积物供给,从而控制了扇体的发育期次。
- Those plants can grow only in deep waters. 那些植物只能在深水中生长。
- It was easy at first, but we're in deep waters now. 起先很容易,但现在我们陷入了困境。
- Underwater distributary channel of the delta front and turbidite fan are the profitable facies of Dongpu depression. 有利相带主要为三角洲前缘水下分流河道和浊积扇。
- It is easy at first,but we are in deep water now. 起先很容易,但现在我们陷入了困境。
- It was easy at first,but we are in deep water now. 开始还容易,但现在我们遇到麻烦了。
- Alluvial fan and fan delta distribute on the western slope of the depression, and turbidite fan distributes in lake-basin center. 冲积扇、扇三角洲平面上分布在凹陷的西部斜坡带,浊积扇则分布在湖盆中心。
- Have lost her passport,she is now in deep water. 她丢了护照身陷困厄。
- The subaqueous fan and turbidite fan in the area were surrounded by oil source rocks, so oil and gas could enter the sandbodies directly. 研究区水下扇及浊积扇砂体本身就处在生油岩的包围之中,因上下被生油岩夹持,油气可以直接进入砂岩体成藏;
- The distribution of concealed oil accumulation is controlled by the fore part of delta,nearshore fan and turbidite fan in Gaoyou sag. 高邮凹陷隐蔽油藏的分布受控于三角洲前缘-前三角洲、近岸水下扇和浊积扇三种相带类型。
- There's a lovely flat in Deep Water Bay. 在深水湾有一个很好的公寓。