- That tolerance for change also represents deeply rooted ideas of freedom. 对改变表示宽容反映了根深蒂固的自由思想。
- That tolerance for change also represents deeply rooted ideas of freedom 对改变表示宽容反映了根深蒂固的自由思想。
- These plants have very deep roots. 这些植物的根长得很深。
- It seems your deep rooted prejudice has completely colored your judgment. 看来你根深蒂固的偏见已经完全影响了你的判断力。
- Her affection for him is deeply rooted. 她对他的爱很深。
- The CPC is deeply rooted in the Chinese nation. 中国共产党深深扎根于中华民族之中。
- Her affection for him was deeply rooted. 她对他的爱坚贞不移。
- Racism is still deeply rooted in our society. 种族主义在我们的社会中仍然根深蒂固。
- Feminist movement was deeply rooted in schools. 妇女运动基本上是在校园中扎根的。
- Her love for the mother country is deeply rooted. 她对祖国的爱坚贞不移。
- It is adream deeply rooted in the American dream. 所有的这些梦想都是可依据的,美国梦是自由的梦想。
- It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. 这个梦深深植根于美国梦之中。
- The vice of externally imposed ends has deep roots. 从外面强加的教育目的的缺陷根子很深。
- These trees often have deep roots. 树木的根常扎得很深。
- Numerous other aides have deep roots on the Hill. 像这样在国会根系繁多的幕僚不胜枚举。
- The desire to reproduce is deeply rooted in human nature. 生殖欲在人性中根深柢固。
- Opera and drama have been deeply rooted in Parisian lives. 歌剧与戏剧艺术已深深地植根于法国人民的生活中。
- Ask: In 1922 Mondrian wrote: “The rooted idea that architecture should count on three-dimensional expressiveness leads the Neoplasticist FLAT surface to be considered impossible in architecture. 问:1922年,蒙德里安曾经在“今天的和将来的建筑”中写道:“关于建筑应该关注三维表现的根深蒂固的观点使得新造型主义的平面的表皮的概念看起来不可能应用在建筑中。
- His problems are deeply rooted in his childhood experiences. 他的问题的祸根在于他童年的经历。
- Ask: In 1922 Mondrian wrote: “The rooted idea that architecture should count on three-dimensional expressieness leads the Neoplasticist FLAT surface to be considered impossible in architecture. 问:1922年,蒙德里安曾经在“今天的和将来的建筑”中写道:“关于建筑应该关注三维表现的根深蒂固的观点使得新造型主义的平面的表皮的概念看起来不可能应用在建筑中。