- If analytical equipment is available, purge system until oxygen content of residual gas is either less than or meets the process specification impurity level. 如果有分析仪器的话,一直净化设备,直到残留气体的氧含量或者低于或者满足工艺规范的纯度级别。
- With the rapid development of traffic engineering and resource exploitation,more and more deep lying long tunnels have been built. 随着我国交通及资源开发工程的迅速发展,深埋长程隧道及深埋越岭隧道的修建越来越多。
- The deep lying and circumjacent areas of above-mentioned metallogenic provinces are focal target areas of gold exploration for the future. 山东省金矿资源潜力很大,已有成矿带的深部及周边隐伏矿体是今后的找矿重点。
- His challenge invariably wins the ball and either propels it directly back into the area or recycles it to the deep lying DCs who, under no pressure, can initiate a new attack. 他的争抢或者会一直地赢得球权,或者把球直接送回去,或者,会把球倒回到自己的后卫,当然这时的中卫因为拖得很后,是没有什么压力,他可以轻松地发动新的攻势。
- Recovery operations should be adequately controlled so impurity levels do not increase over time. 应该对回收操作进行充分的控制,从而使杂质不会随着时间积累。
- The band structure reveals the form of the impurity levels due to the substitutional impurity in semiconductors. 掺杂模型的能带结构显示,由于在半导体母体中进行杂质原子取代而形成了杂质能级。
- In these low-dimensional structures, besides coulombic interactions, the impurity levels are affected by confining potentials and the dimension of the structures. 在这些低维半导体结构中,除了库仑相互作用外,杂质能级还受限制势和结构尺度的影响。
- We ask,can it be deemed scientific reasoning if we assign as the cause of a phenomenon that which in itself is the result of a number of deeper lying causes? 我们要问,如果一种现象,它本身就是许多深一层原因的结果,而我们却把这种现象说成是起因,这难道可以认为是科学的推理吗?
- We ask, can it be deemed scientific reasoning if we assign as the cause of a phenomenon that which in itself is the result of a number of deeper lying causes? 我们要问,如果一种现象,它本身就是许多深一层原因的结果,而我们却把这种现象说成是起因,这难道可以认为是科学的推理吗?
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- Study of CZSi Characteristic Doped with Element Ge at Impurity Level 掺入杂质级等价元素锗的CZSi晶体性能研究
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。
- Can you ladle the soup out of this deep pan for me? 你能从这个深底锅里舀点汤给我吗?
- A deep gorge separates the two halves of the city. 有一道深谷把这座城市分成两部分。
- The tractor has make deep furrow in the loose sand. 曳引机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙。
- A deep ravine is on the left of the road. 有一道深沟在马路左边。
- It has its roots deep in the Middle Ages. 它起源于遥远的中世纪。
- A deep melancholy runs through her poetry. 她的诗中贯穿著悲伤的情调。
- A heavy lorry floundered about in deep snow. 一辆重型卡车在厚厚的积雪中艰难地行进。
- She had just woken from a deep sleep. 她刚从熟睡中醒来。