- deep soft roadbed scheme 深软基处理
- The appraising &scheme selection of deep soft roadbed reinforcement involved in many factors, conventional methods of appraising and scheme selection are mainly weighed on technical feasibility, which cannot meet the requirement in practice. 摘要高速公路深层软基处理方案的选择涉及诸多因素,由于缺乏有效的技术-经济评估方法,以往对的方案选择往往过于注重技术可行性。
- Deep Soft Roadbed Reinforcement 深层软基处理
- Based on the original data of geotechnical investigation, the authors conducted research on the roadbed, which consists of deep soft soil. 本文对池州至安庆高速公路大渡口段软土路基的沉降和路堤稳定性进行了计算和工程地质评价。
- This papper introduces the scheme of how to manage the soft roadbed, layers of sand, plastic water sewageboard, etc., Which can be used for reference in the construction of soft roadbed. 介绍了软土路机的共性,砂垫层、塑料排水板处理方案,对公路软土路基施工具有借鉴意义。
- At last, the author suggests that it is possible to improve soft roadbed using the steel-dregs cushion, this method possesses many advantages. 通过试验、分析,认为钢渣垫层处理软土路基在技术上是可行的,并具有经济、施工周期短、节约土地等优点。
- Violet, or purple, is the deep, soft color of darkness or shadows. 紫罗兰色,或者说紫色,是阴暗、深沉、轻柔的颜色。
- Based on the test result on treating soft roadbed in Handan, the paper studies the engineering character of this soft roadbed and discusses its treatment methods. 通过对邯郸市某段软土路基处理的试验成果分析,研究了邯郸市软土路基的工程性能,并对其处理方法进行了探讨。
- Abstract: Based on the test result on treating soft roadbed in Handan, the paper studies the engineering character of this soft roadbed and discusses its treatment methods. 文摘:通过对邯郸市某段软土路基处理的试验成果分析,研究了邯郸市软土路基的工程性能,并对其处理方法进行了探讨。
- EPS have better economy and treating effect than other disposing methods in deep soft ground and low filling barrier. 采用EPS超轻质材料填筑路堤,通过与其他处理方式比较,结果表明,EPS材料在深厚软土地基低填方路堤中具有良好经济性和处理效果。
- For the deep soft soil, piles usually can"t penetrate the entire soft soillayer, and there is thick soft soil subjacent bed under the piles. 由于沿海地区的软土层较厚,基桩往往未穿透整个软弱土层,桩端下存在较厚的饱和软土层。
- In this paper serveral problems are studied, which conclude varying parameters for composite foundation, determination of pile length in deep soft soil, selection of cushion. 结合工程实践,对复合地基变形控制中的几个问题,如变化参数的复合地基、加固深厚层软土时桩长的确定、褥垫层等,进行了探讨。
- soft roadbed or complicated geological area 软基和复杂地基
- Deep grooves channelled the soft rock. 在软岩石上形成许多深槽。
- UNITA language deep soft ears. 耳边软语深盟。
- And, in the months after the surrender, the deep soft nap began to show signs of wear and finally the heavy warp and woof showed through in spots where heels had worn it and spurs dug carelessly. 而且,几个月来,地毯上的绒毛已开始出现磨损的迹象,尤其是鞋跟践踏和靴刺不小心划着的地方,连那下面的线纹也快露出来了。
- Based on the basic features of soft rock,the paper analyses that dilatancy characteristics is an important factor influencing upon surrounding ground stability of deep soft rock roadway. 针对软岩巷道的特点,利用泥灰岩三轴试验结果,分析了膨胀特性对深井软岩巷道围岩稳定性的影响;
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。
- Building superhighway on the deep soft soil foundation, which satisfy the request of stabilization and settlement, need to be treated with the effective and economic soft ground treatment. 在深厚软土地基上修建高速公路,且满足稳定和沉降的要求,需要对地基进行有效的经济处理措施。