- One bad deed can blemish a good reputation. 一次不良的行为可损害好的名声。
- He is a friend in word as well as in deed. 他是个言行如一的朋友。
- The trade is clogged with restrictions. 贸易因诸多限制而受阻。
- He did the deed in view of a crowd of people. 他当着一群人的面干了这件事。
- The money was given to us by deed of covenant. 这笔钱是根据契约书付给我们的。
- I restrict myself to smoking two cigarettes a day. 我限定自己每天只抽两支烟。
- He is a good leader in deed as well as in name. 他是一位名副其实的好领袖。
- We should be true in word and resolute in deed. 我们应该言必信,行必果。
- He was honorable in word and in deed. 他言行诚信可敬。
- A friend in need is a friend in deed. 患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友。
- Having no commitments or restrictions; carefree. 随心所欲的无义务或约束的; 无忧无虑的
- The deed is executed under the hand and seal of the owner. 这契约是由所有权人签名盖章的。
- Recent laws have tended to restrict the freedom of the press. 新法例有限制新闻自由的趋势。
- A wrong or illegal deed; a wrongdoing. 违法行为错误的或非法的行为; 错误的行为
- The driver is a poor observer of speed restrictions. 这个司机是个不遵守速度限制的人。
- The sale of firearms is subject to many legal restrictions. 出售枪支受到许多法律限制。
- deed restrictions [经] 文契约束
- A contract or deed specifying the terms of a mortgage. 抵押单据,抵押证明一种具体规定抵押条件的合约和证书
- The Marine Corps began to slim down under budget restrictions. 由于预算的限制,海军陆战队开始裁员。
- These government restrictions are going to throttle our trade. 这些政府的限制将要扼杀我们的贸易。