- The money was given to us by deed of covenant. 这笔钱是根据契约书付给我们的。
- His big words were never backed by deeds. 他的豪言从未见之于行动。
- Smith changed his name by deed poll to Jervis-Smith. 史密斯通过单边契据将自己的名字更改为杰维斯 史密斯。
- You must show your support by deeds, not words. 你必须用行动支持,不能空口说白话。
- Agency may be created expressly by deed, writing or oral appointment. 代理的产生可以是根据契约,书面或口头协定等明示方式。
- Ephiphanes died in 165 B.C., and in the same year Judas Maccabeus took Jerusalem back and kept the Feast of Dedication by cleansing the Temple. 衣比凡尼斯死于主前一六五年,是年猷大玛喀比夺回耶路撒冷,洁净圣殿是为修殿节。
- He was both brave and skillful, and had gained the respect of his people by deed in war. 他不仅勇敢,而且本领高强,他由于在战争中建立的功勋深受族里人的尊敬。
- Doubts could be swept away only by deeds. 这些疑点只能以行动来澄清。
- A life estate is an estate of freehold but not of inheritance created by deed or will. 终生地产是一项可终生保有但不能继承的地产权。
- You must show your support by deeds,not words. 你必须用行动支持,不能空口说白话。
- A life estate is an estate of freehold but nor of inheritance created by deed or will. 限嗣采邑权的一个主要特征是,如果地产所要求的特定身份的继承人不存在,财产即返还让与人。
- No amn by deed, word, countenance, or gesture, declare Hatred, or Contempt of another. 任何人都不得以行为,语言,表情,姿态表示仇恨或蔑视他人。
- "Not by birth is one an outcast; not by birth is one a brahman. By deed one becomes an outcast, by deed one becomes a brahman. “不是由于出身,成为无种姓者,不是由于出身,成为婆罗门,而是由于业,成为无种姓者;由于业,成为婆罗门。
- His dedication should be learned by all of us. 他的奉献精神值得我们学习。
- This temple was dedicated by Ramses II to the chief gods of Heliopolis, Memphis, and Thebes. 这个大庙宇的内部的深度超过55米(大约180英尺),并且由一系列通向中央避难所的大厅和房间所组成。
- The old workers instruct the young workers not only in words, but by deeds. 老工人对青年工人不仅言传,而且身教。
- We are coming up the steps of the temple of Mars Ultor that was dedicated by Augustus to Mars , the avenger. 我们将要走上战神之庙的台阶。战神庙是奥古斯塔斯献给战神-复仇者的。
- His talent and dedication will insure his success. 他的才气和执着将确保他成功。
- A transfer of property by deed. 财产让渡通过契约的财产转移