- Usually we pay the taxi driver by distance. 我们按路程给出租车司机付费。
- Charges are reckoned by distance . 按里程收费。
- Charges are reckoned by distance. 按里程收费。
- The decrement operator is -- and means "decrease by one unit. 其中,递减运算符是“--”,意为“减少一个单位”;
- Student numbers have decreased by 500. 学生人数减少了500名。
- Decrement (decrease by one) the byte at the pointer. 指针指向的字节的值减一。
- We judge the performance of field athletes by distance or height. 我们用距离或高度来判定田赛成绩。
- ROSE DOOLAN:she sees all players at a distance decreased by 1. 效用:你对其他玩家的距离减1
- Separated by distance and by parents who did not approve of the union. 他们被遥远的距离和反对的父母所分离。
- EEE sold by distance is counted in the Member State of the purchaser. 在成员国的购买者,通过远程销售的电子电器产品也被计算在内。
- If there is more than one POI in the area, the results are sorted by distance. 如果有一个以上的蒲在该地区,其结果是按距离。
- The mortality for children under five was 42?? in 1998,a decrease by 31.8% from that of 1991. 5岁以下儿童死亡率,1998年为42‰,比1991年下降了31.;8%25。
- The mortality for children under five was 42‰ in 1998, a decrease by 31.8% from that of 1991. 5岁以下儿童死亡率,1998年为42‰,比1991年下降了31.;8%25。
- Frost Tower cost decreased by 50. 冰塔价格降低50。
- Merchandise increased by (decreased by) 300 pieces. 商品增加了(减少了)300个。
- For example, a fill factor value of 50 can cause database read performance to decrease by two times. 例如,当填充因子的值为50时,数据库的读取性能会降低两倍。
- Oil consumption has decreased by some 40 percent. 石油的消耗已降了约40%25。
- The mortality for children under five was 42?? in 1998, a decrease by 31.8% from that of 1991. 5岁以下儿童死亡率,1998年为42‰,比1991年下降了31.;8%25。
- We shold never forget that heart-paining can't cure by medicine,but can decrease by empressment each other. 我们永远不应忘记,心痛不能通过医疗来治愈,却可以因人们付出真诚的同情而减轻。
- Sewall Wright has furnished a theoretical basis for calculating the effects of isolation by distance. 对于计算因距离而产生的隔离效果,赛沃尔·劳埃特已经提供了理论上的根据。