- A mashing method-SINGLE DECOCTION MASHING was used.Raising the temperature programmely to enhance the hydrolysis of proteins. 糖化采用一次煮出糖化法,程序升温进行蛋白休止。
- Infusion mashing and decoction mashing ( one or two decoctions mashing ) can be all employed.Decoction mashing can increase the palatefulness of beer. 糖化方法采用浸出法、一次煮出法和二次煮出法皆可,煮出法使啤酒醇厚感增加。
- three mash decoction mashing method 三次煮出糖化法
- decoction mashing system 煮出糖化系统
- decoction mashing 煎煮制浆法,煮出糖化法
- They usually feed a moist mash to fowls. 他们通常用谷糠煮成的湿饲料喂养家禽。
- A kitchen utensil for mashing vegetables or fruit. 捣碎器用以捣碎苹果、蔬菜等的厨房器具
- What do they use to sour the mash? 他们是用的什么把饲料煮得带有酸味的?
- A kitchen utensilfor mashing vegetables or fruit. 捣碎器用以捣碎苹果、蔬菜等的厨房器具。
- Have you ever decoct Chinese medicinal herbs? 您煎过中药吗?
- Who are those two mashing in the corner? 躲在角落里拥抱亲吻的那两个家伙是谁?
- Decoct Chinese traditional medicine when build top? 煎中药的时候盖盖子吗?
- Mash them in a bowl with a little lemon juice. 加入一点柠檬汁在碗里捣碎。
- Methods The decoct number was discussed. 方法探讨煎煮次数;
- Mashing requires a good mixture of flour and water. 糖化要求良好的料水混合。
- Irritability rhinitis how decoct medicine? 过敏性鼻炎怎样煎药?
- When is decoct Chinese traditional medicine best? 什么时间煎中药最好?
- Thus, Chinese herbal medicine can only decoct. 如果能够把中药之有效成份纳米微粒化,就可提高水溶解性,这不仅便于服用也便于人体吸收。
- Mash the potatoes with a fork. 用叉把土豆捣烂。
- Pie and mash, that's one of my favorites. 烤馅饼和马铃薯泥,是我爱吃的食物之一。