- It has taken a prototype of declaring at customs and developed a step by step system to this multiaspect tridimentional evaluative rising industry. 是在近二十年来以报关业务为雏型,逐步拓展起来的、多方位的、立体式发展的新兴产业。
- He should declare at customs. 他应该报关。
- I'll need to declare this at customs. 我在海关得申报这个东西。
- I didn't want to be taxed so I didn't declare anything at customs. 我不想缴税,所以通关时我不会申报任何货物。
- Answer: Because import content consignee or its agent exceed a kind of cost that legal time limit declares at customs to custom and produces,sluggish newspaper gold is, not be amerce. 答:滞报金是由于进口货物收货人或其代理人超过法定期限向海关报关而产生的一种费用,不是罚款。
- At customs of any European Union countries. 在欧盟国家的任何一个海关都行。
- Independents take charge of project negotiation, Knows well international freightage supply and declare sth. at customs relative to professional knowledge. 独立负责项目谈判,熟悉国际货运代理及报关相关专业知识。
- He was caught using false identification at customs. 他在海关因使用假证件被捕。
- Sometimes cumbersome procedures at customs offices create delays. 有时,海关的复杂手续造成拖拉现象。
- He declared at the meeting that he supported me. 他在会上声明他支持我。
- MH/Ni cells can be packed at customer's request. 镍氢动力电池组块可按用户要求任意组合。
- I declared at the meeting that I did not support him. 我在会上声明我不支持他。
- A truce was declared at Christmas between the two armies. 在圣诞节当天双方军队宣布停战。
- The customs asked me if I had anything to declare. 海关人员问我是否有要报税的东西。
- When laptops or software are held overnight at customs, it's a sure sign of government complicity. 手提电脑或软件在海关被扣留一夜时,这是一种政府同谋的明显迹象。
- China Film Archive may, when importing archival films, directly go through the import formalities at customs. 中国电影资料馆进口电影资料片,可以直接到海关办理进口手续。
- Can extend VIP set up at customer contact point under necessary circumstances. 可以在必要的情况下向客人提供贵宾待遇。
- Be patient at customs and immigration checks when leaving or entering a country. 出入境时要接受各种检查,你要耐心点。
- Old longings nomadic leap, Chafing at custom's chain; Again from its brumal sleep, Wakens the ferine strain. 陈规旧俗锁链深,自由古老渴望长。凄凄寒夜梦深沉,醒时化作荒原狼。
- These serials can be produced at customer's requirements for different heads. 本系列可接受非标头数针间距生产。