- Can you turn the declarative sentence into a rhetorical question? 你能把这个陈述句改成反问句吗?
- Put two questions to each of the following declarative sentence. 请给下面每个陈述句提出两个问题
- Please change the declarative sentence into an interrogative one. 请将这个陈述句变为疑问句。
- Please alter the declarative sentence into an interrogative one. 请将那个陈述句变为疑问句。
- A simple declarative sentence will do, followed by another and another. 先是几个公布性(公布自己状况)的简单句子,然后是一句又一句。
- And the addresser of the declarative sentence tells the addressee all of the information. 陈述句中发话人向听话人传递已然动作的时间、地点、方式等信息。
- In English, a declarative sentence requires a subject, and if the verb is transitive, the object is usually obligatory. 而汉语的主语和宾语都可以自由地省略。
- You, our ordinary Milesian citizen, went home after having heard one simple declarative sentence from Thales, and nothing would ever be the same again. 泰勒斯生活在公元前六世纪早期(约2600年前,属于苏格拉底和柏拉图之前的几代人)的米利都。
- When the interrogative particle “吗” is added at the end of a declarative sentence, it become a general question, e. g. 疑问句的提问王法是在陈述句的句尾加上语气助词“吗”。例如:
- Pragmatically "you" in "you+VP" is informational focus in interrogativesentence, and is focus-marker in declarative sentence. “有”字在“有+VP”句在疑问句中是信息焦点,在陈述句里做为焦点标记。
- Immediately after that, we investigated it in syntactic types andinvestigated it in the subtype of the declarative sentence specifically. 最后我们对领悟类语气副词所具有的述谓性、灵活性、动态性和前置性等句法特点加以了考察。
- A yes/no question is made by adding the interrogative particle “吗” at the end of a declarative sentence. The sentence pattern is : Declarative sentence + “吗”? 在陈述句的末尾加上表示疑问语气的助词“吗”,就构成了是非问句。句型是:陈述句+吗?
- The declarative sentence, without the copula, where the predicate is a noun, has many restrictions and needs a copula as a declarative sign, “shi” just meets its needs. 以名词性成分为谓语的无系词判断句在使用时受到了限制,客观上需要一个系词作判断标记,“是”正好满足了这种需求。
- At the same time through some, drilling in the declarative sentence and interrogative sentence of few comparative grade, improves the overall qualities ability of student's hearing, speaking, reading and writing further. 比较等级在陈述句与疑问句中的操练,进一步提高学生听、说、读、写综合素质能力。
- Most of this sort of sentences are declarative sentence, some of them interrogative sentence, but no exclamatory and imperative sentences, to be sure. 形宾句绝大多数是陈述句,有的是疑问句和感叹句,但不能构成祈使句。
- Try to end declarative sentences on a low tone without, however, trailing off in volume. 尽量用降调结束陈述句,但不要减弱音量。
- This sentence doesn't make sense. 这个句子没有意义。
- Confined to the length of the thesis, this paper focuses on the contrastive analysis of word order in English, French and German declarative sentences. 因本文篇幅所限,此处着重对英语、法语和德语的陈述句语序进行对比分析。
- A punctuation mark(.) indicating a full stop, placed at the end of declarative sentences and other statements thought to be complete, and after many abbreviations. 句号一种表示完全停顿的标点符号(。),放在句末或认为将会完成的阐述后及许多缩略式后
- By analyzing the structure , disjunctive questions comprise declarative sentences and tag questions and between them are dotted with commas. 从结构上看,反意疑问句由陈述句和附加疑问句两部分构成,两部分之间用远号分开。