- The agent entrusted to complete the declaration formalities shall abide by all provisions of this Law applicable to the owner. 接受委托办理报关手续的代理人,应当遵守本法对其委托人的各项规定。
- Operators shall handle the export customs declaration formalities on the basis of the licenses stamped with the special seal for textiles license. 第二十二条经营者凭加盖纺织品许可证专用章的许可证办理出口报关手续;
- Handling the Customs declaration formalities and special inspections of Imported and Exported automobiles at Free-trade Zone and other free-trade business. 代办外商投资企业在保税区进、出口汽车的专项检验、报关以及其他保税业务的报关手续。
- Beijing, which considers the island part of China, says it will invade Taiwan if it declares formal independence. 北京认为台湾是中国的一部份,并威胁如果台湾正式宣布独立,会进攻台湾。
- Beijing has vowed to retake Taiwan by force if its government tries to declare formal independence. 北京方面已发誓若台湾执意要求独立,北京方面考虑会用武力收复台湾。
- The People's Republic of China claims sovereignty over democratic Taiwan and backs its claim with the threat of military force if Taipei ever declares formal independence. 中华人民共和国宣称其对民主政体的台湾拥有主权,并威胁,如果台湾一旦宣布正式独立,将付诸武力来行使自己的主张。
- He was in favour of the declaration of a truce. 他赞成宣布停战。
- China regards the island as part of its territory and has refused to rule out the use of force if Taiwan declares formal independence or indefinitely delays steps toward reunification. 台湾历来就是中国领土的一部分,如果台湾当局宣布正式独立或者无止境的拖延和平统一,我们不排除使用武力收复台湾。
- A formal declaration of condolence. 吊唁正式慰问的声明
- Let's dispense with formalities! 咱们不必拘礼了。
- We were invited to a formal luncheon. 我们被邀参加一次正式的午宴。
- These events led to the declaration of war. 这些事件导致了宣战。
- He cast his last remark in more formal wording. 他用更正式的措词表达了最后一句话。
- Don't you be so fucking formal with me. 别你他妈的对我这么一本正经了。
- All formalities were observed at the ceremony. 庆典仪式遵循了所有的礼节。
- The letter is written in formal style. 这封信是用正式文体写的。
- Modern life trends towards less formal customs. 现代生活倾向于较少拘泥于客套习俗。
- The job does not require any formal training. 做这种工作不需要任何正规训练。
- A formal declaration made to authoritative witnesses to ensure legal validity. 正式确认向有权威的证人正式确认以保证法律上的有效性
- I'm composing a formal reply to the letter. 我正写一封郑重其事的回信。