- Decimal time and longitude would then correlate directly without the need for logarithmic conversion tables. 这样一来,十进制时间就会与经度直接相关联,对数转换表就变得不需要了。
- The means of time reporting are mainly bell tower, bellman and clocks. 在播时方法上,莎士比亚戏剧主要用钟鼓楼、更夫报时,但有时是钟表报时。
- Specifies the open report method for the ReportDocument Load method. Load方法的打开报表方法。
- Pneumatic Fluid Power - Flow Rating Test Procedure and Reporting Method - for Fixed Orifice Components. 气压液动。固定元件的流动率试验过程和报告方法。
- Keep your team's status reporting method as simple as the needs of the project allow. 请在项目需求允许的情况下尽量简化工作组状态的报告方法。
- System values and files will be collected next time report is saved or when submitted. 下次保存或提交报告时会收集系统值和文件。
- The time reporter also saw Wai being beaten up, too. 而且那晚打更的也看见常威被人打。
- Does the established boundary for the FP count match the boundary of other metrics (time reporting, defect tracking)? If not, why? 为功能点估算建立的边界是否与其他度量(时间报告,缺陷跟踪)的边界匹配?如果不,为什么?
- Report method checks the cache to see if the report is already cached and if it is not, the method regenerates the report and caches it. 报告方法检查缓存以查看报告是否已缓存;如果没有,该方法将重新生成报告并将其缓存。
- Legal Counsel Job Title: Legal Counsel Job Location: Shanghai Type: Full time Report to: Law Firm Partner (Germa...... ... 公司名称:上海友纳康人才咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-13
- The Times reports the news of the strike. 时代杂志报导了罢工的消息。
- The following example shows how to produce a quantum execution time report for all quanta that took between 0 and 5 seconds to execute since the last initialization. 以下示例显示如何为上次初始化以来、执行时间为0到5秒的所有量程生成一个量程执行时间报告。
- To the judgement of mistake of office software market, did not make in time report to Internet market, " barratrous " , let NetWare push his to the corner that is forgotten. 对办公软件市场错误的判断,对互联网市场没有做出及时地反映,一次次的“怠慢”,让 NetWare 把自己推到了被人遗忘的角落。
- The creditor will try to collect the bill from whoever it thinks may be able to pay, and at the same time report the late payments to the credit bureaus under both names. 债权人会像所有他认为有权偿还债务的人索要债务,而且如果你推迟还款还会将你们共同的名字报到信贷总署去。
- Like the results submission, your reported method results are available to you whenever you log into the system. 如同提交结果一样,在您登录系统后即可提交您的方法。
- Timely report service department disputes to community leaders for solutions. 服务部出现纠纷情况,应及时报告社区值班领导予以调处。
- The research adopts analysis method of impersonality and demonstration , The system adopt 360 degree appraise method and report method, and give a complementary explain about assistant program. 研究最终成果是一个以360度考核理论和述职报告方法相结合的中层管理者绩效考核体系。
- Most countries have a decimal currency. 大多数国家使用十进制货币。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- Reducing or eliminating nonessential travel was the most frequently reported method of cutting business travel expenses. 减少或者取消非必需的商务旅行,是削减商旅开支最常用的方法。